State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Work with students

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Work with students

According to the Law "On education" the main purpose of education and training at this stage is to create conditions for the development and fulfillment of each person who professes universal values, forms generation, able to learn throughout life.

Of great importance for the realization of this goal is the development of students through the education of professional and public positions, teaching basic principles of professional career and behavior in the family, group, society, system of social relations.

Scientific-pedagogical staff of the department of space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications actively work with students of different training areas. Graduate students performing diploma and master's works on the subject of modern innovative technologies.

Also, students are actively involved in the organization of student scientific conferences and seminars. The department students have the opportunity to attend scientific group, take practices and participate in field trips to enterprises.

Scientific work with students actively pursued to ensure the high quality of bachelors and masters and formation of students' interest in scientific work with the prospect of subsequent admission to graduate school.

 The department operates a student scientific circle "Satellite Telecommunications". Circle runs every Thursday at 5 bet.

For information, contact aud.211 or by Gennady tel.249-25-97 Vlasenko. Gennady Nikolayevich.


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