State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Methodical work

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Methodical work

Department is basic educational-scientific structural subdivision of higher establishment of education, that provides realization of the навчально-методичної, advanced and organizational study, responsible for realization of public policy in the field of education. Work of department must be sent to preparation of specialists in industries of telecommunications, that answer qualifying description of graduating student of higher educational establishment of Ukraine, by introduction in the educational process of active forms and facilities, technical equipments of studies.

A department enters new principles of studies in accordance with the requirements of Bolonskiy of convention. The collective of department effectively works on the improvement of traditional forms of educational process (lectures, seminar and practical employments) and introduction in the educational process of the newest forms of educational-educator process.

A department spares large attention to creation of methodical documentation for organization of lecture and practical employments, laboratory works and course planning. Presently all courses of educational disciplines are fully provided with corresponding methodical by documentation.

In the spotlight of department there are preparation and edition of methodical literature that constantly renovates taking into account modern development of technique status. All workers of department participate in this work.
         Among the forms of methodical work the special place belongs to the use of technical equipments in an educational process.

Systematic on a department methodical seminar employments are conducted. All members of department of взаємовідвідують are lessons.
Methodical work is the inalienable constituent of activity of department. From her quality, attention of every employee to her in a large measure efficiency of educational process depends on the whole from every concrete discipline in higher establishment of State university of telecommunications.

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