State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies
Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies

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The mobile operator "MTS Ukraine" announced the beginning of the main phase of the competition for students of universities of the direction of "Telecommunications" - "Professionals of the Future 2016".

The first selection stage is an individual competition among the students of the 4th courses

After the completion of the assessment process a team was formed that included:

  • Kononenko Vladislav IMD-41
  • Krivorot Igor IMD-41
  • Zamanskiy Nikita IMD-42
  • Somkin Alex IMD-42


On May 21, 2014 the team of the State University of Telecommunications which consists of the four-year students of the specialties "Telecommunications" and "Computer Engineering" Korobchuk Svitlana (group IMD-41), Martyniuk Sergii (group TSD-41), Melnikov Pavlo (group TSD-42) and Prylepov Evhen (group CSD-41) took part in the final of the 8th Nationwide Contest "Professionals of the Future". It was an open defense of research projects on the topic "Perspectives on Implementation of SDN in transport network", presented at the competition by the teams of twelve leading universities of Ukraine.

The Competition Commission, composed of theorists - representatives of academia and also practice - MTS experts and specialists from Huawei and Alcatel-Lucent, conducted the evaluation of research projects. The criteria for evaluation of the research projects are innovation, practical value implementation speed, logic design and architecture. In addition, the Commission took into account presentation skills of participants.

The decision on the winners was reached by an absolute majority. The national program for students "Professionals of the Future" is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Information Technologies, and the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine.

The partners of this year's competition became companies Alcatel-Lucent and Huawei which founded their own nominations. According to the established tradition, organizers honored the teams that participated in the competition according to individual nominations, emphasizing the strongest points of the projects. The team of the State University of Telecommunications won in the nomination "FOR ACTUALITY OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT".

Congratulations to the team of DUT on such a wonderful result!

We wish you success in the future.

The second Stage of Ukrainian competition "Professionals of the Future" organized by MTS, one of the most prestigious competitions of student research papers of Ukraine, has been held since February 13, 2014.  As part of this competition the team of the State University of Telecommunications which consists of five of the most gifted four-year students is working hard on the project "Prospects of SDH- making on the transport network operators."

Among team members there are three students of the Faculty of Information Technology:

Korobchuk Svitlana Oleksandrivna (group IPD - 41);

Mykytyshyn Andrii Mykolayovych (group IPD - 42);

Prylepov Evhenii Valeriiovych (group KSD- 41).

Good luck to our team!

In may 23, 2013 operator of a mobile communication  “MTS-Ukraine“ conducted the final of the seventh competition « professionals of the future» - open protection of research projects on the theme  « radio spectrum refarming with the aim of providing resources for implementation and development of LTE technology in Ukraine », submitted to the contest twelve teams from the leading universities of Ukraine. The work of teams were evaluated by the contest Committee , composed of theorists, representatives of science and practice - experts of MTS and specialists of the companies Huawei and Alcatel - Lucent . National program to support students « Professionals of the future» is held with support of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the sphere of communication and informatisation and State service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine.


Aksenov Artemiy Alekseevich (gr. IND -42) ,

Glebov Anton Konstantinovich (gr. TSD -43 )

Zelenskiy Aleksandr Viktorovich ( gr IND -41 ) ,

Zinchenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna (gr IND -42) ,

 Kovda Oksana Viktorovna (gr TSD - 44)

This team became winner in the nomination «For the practical importance and speed of implementation”.






Yearly, students of the faculty of Information technologies take part in the competition «professionals of the future» conducted by the MTS company. National program to support students « professionals of the future» was founded in 2006 by MTS under the patronage of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine with the support of the State Department on communication and informatization and the National Commission for communications regulation of Ukraine. On conditions of competition, the team of our University headed the scientific supervisor is developing a project for one of the proposed topics with subsequent reporting and protection. In 2013, the teams will present the project on the theme « the refarming of the radio frequency spectrum with the aim of providing resources for implementation and development of LTE technology in Ukraine ».

From November 16 to 19 December 2012 was the first stage of the competition «professionals of the future - 2013». In this contest students of 4th -year of the direction “Telecommunications” take part with 13 technical universities.

 Team of SYT was formed of the five winners of the first round, which is involved in the second phase, which started on 14 February 2013.  The team of SUT is: three students of the faculty of Information technologies : Zelenskiy Alexander (gr. IND-41 ) , Zinchenko Tatyana (gr. IND-42) , Aksenov Artemiy (gr. IND-42).


In 2012 team defended the project on a theme: « Total construction and operation of new generation networks of different operators. From November 17 to December 19, was the first stage of the competition «professionals of the future 2012».

In this contest students of 4th -year of the direction “Telecommunications” take part with 11 technical universities. of SYT was formed of the five winners of the first round, which is involved in the second phase, which started on 16 January 2013.

The team of SUT is: two students of the faculty of Information technologies: Fomina Aleksandra  (gr. IND-42) and Mihalev Evgeniy (gr. IND-43).

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Educational-scientific Institute of Information technologies

Management of faculty


Dean of the faculty
PhD of technical Sciences
Bondarchuk, Andrei Petrovich

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