State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "172 - Електронні комунікації та радіотехніка" кафедри Мобільних та відеоінформаційних технологій та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

The Department of radio technology has a training laboratory of radio communications» and three educational laboratories: «Modeling of radio engineering devices and systems», « Wireless broadband access and digital broadcasting», «Wireless networks of new generation, which are part of Central high infocommunication technologies of the University.

In educational laboratories are material means for carrying out of laboratory works, practical classes on professional disciplines and scientific activity of students and teaching staff of the Department. The quantity of material resources allow to carry out laboratory works on the fundamental disciplines of radio training frontal method (fundamentals of television. The generation and forming of signals. Reception and processing of signals. Radio system. satellite and radio relay transmission systems. Broadcast systems. Maintenance RES. Power RES).

Take into account  importance of  practical skills on  the sport radio orienteering for the future specialists  of mobile telecommunications and digital television systems, Department of radio technologies of the State University of Telecommunications concluded with All-Ukrainian public organization "Radioamators League of Ukraine" an Agreement "On the organization and operation sections of radiosport." At the present time  the necessary radio equipment for practical classes on on  the sport radio orienteering  deployed  at aud. 133 of  University and  from February 15, 2016 began practice sessions for groups of 31 RTD and RTD-32. Head of the Department Saiko V.H., graduate students Kravchenko V.I., Kondakov  A.N. and representatives of the sports-finding committee "League Radioamator Ukraine" Vice President Ivanchikhin N.O. and instructor, master of sports Panchuk Maria Olexandrivna  take part at the joint lessons.


Deployment of basic equipment, which will be connected to the test the operator's network , is planned in the laboratory and in the near future, together with experts of Lifecell mobile operator. On the basis of this equipment students will practice technical support of wireless network subsystem.

In the field of material support of educational process at the Department of radio technologies are constantly being upgraded and the preparation of new educational laboratory computer workshops. So, in January 2014 to develop and improve the quality of laboratory and practical studies by the disciplines of the Department of radio technologies jointly with specialists of Watson Telecom deployed modern laboratory network on the basis of equipment of broadband access RADWIN 2000.

In the educational Department laboratories used 15 computers (Pentium 3. A specialized computer class with 15 computers Pentium-4 form a local network, connected to the University network and to the Internet, which gives the opportunity to get the latest scientific and technical information, conduct practical and laboratory classes on professionally - oriented disciplines of specialty «radio Equipment, broadcasting and television», run their course projects and diploma works, also engage in research work. Moreover, its capacity is used for preparation of specialists on the subjects of «communication Systems», «Basic platform of mobile communications systems and Network technologies and mobile communication systems» on the base of training center of Ericsson.

Center of advanced information and communication technologies are equipped with the most modern mobile platforms new generations:

  • Base station and subscriber equipment of broadband wireless systems Packet Ware company Aperto WiMAX (IEEE 802.16-2004).
  • Modern complex on processing, transportation and delivery of digital signals of digital terrestrial TV standard DVB company DekTec.
  • The basic equipment of wireless communication of standard IEEE e Alcatel - Lucent.
  • Equipment for broadband access RADWIN 2000.

In addition, the training laboratory «Wireless network new generations» and «Modeling of radio engineering devices and complexes equipped accordingly equipment telecommunication systems technology CDMA2000 ZTE and mobile network equipment of GSM 900/1800 standard to Ericsson.

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