State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information "Getting IT"

10:15, 22-10-2016

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
State University of Telecommunications

Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information "Getting IT"

November 3, 2016

The aim conference is discuss leading technology in the field of telecommunications and information.

Directions Conference sections:

1. "Modern Information Technologies";

2. "Telecommunication systems and networks";


Participation in the conference – stationary

CONFERENCE WORKING LANGUAGES: Ukrainian, Russian and English.


Materials provided by the report:

• the extent thesis 1-2 pages A4

• Article in the amount of 5-6 pages A4

• one of the working languages of the Conference (Ukrainian, Russian and English)

• editor Word,

• font Times New Roman,

• size 14,

• line spacing 1,

• Margins: top and bottom - 1.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right - 1 cm

• Formula Editor Equation 3,0.


Materials (articles and abstracts) are not edited, the author is responsible for the content and design.

Materials participants will be published in the Proceedings of the Scientific and technical conference of students Training and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information "Getting IT."

Participation and publication is FREE
Registration for the conference is held to 01/11/2016 Year to:

Materials sent before 18:00 on 01.11.2016 year

Organizational committee

Bondarenko E.O.

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of the State University of Telecommunications Telecommunications

Shchetinina A.A.

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology of the State University of Telecommunications


Bondarenko E.O.

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of the State University of Telecommunications Telecommunications

Shchetinina A.A.

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Information Technology of the State University of Telecommunications

Ostapenko G.A.

Head of the Research Department FIT

Morozyuk V.E.

Head of Information Department FIT

Nikolaenko V.I.

Head of the Research Department FTK

Pylypenko E.O.

Head of Information Department FTK

Address Committee

State University of Telecommunications

03110, Str. Solomenskaya 7, m. Kyiv, Ukraine

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