State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Work with students

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "051 Економіка" кафедри Економіки та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

Research and teaching staff of the department of sociology and humanities conducts significant work with students to improve the efficiency of education and training of highly qualified specialists. The formation of future professionals of high political, moral, artistic and aesthetic culture, professional competence is modern advanced  important and responsible tasks. These factors are crucial in the educational work of the department. As the performance of  students education were ratings selected of current progress in education, research work, the degree of students ability to adapt to the occupation.

The educational work includes conversations during the break, while visiting the hostel, interaction with the deans on learning and behavior of students, meeting or telephone conversation with the parents of students who have low rating and are not successful.

One of the most important parts of the students is curatorial work in groups, which is governed by the provisions of an academic supervisor, approved by the Rector SUT. Its purpose is to help students to adapt to university studies, the development of independent and creative work of students.

The department of sociology and the humanities assigned students 1-4 courses study group STD-11 (curator - Associate N.A.Kyryliuk) study group STD-21 (curator - Associate O.V.Horpynych) study group STD-31 (curator - Associate N.A.Dubovyk) study group STD-41 (curator - Associate R.V.Atashkade).

Based on the fact that higher education is intended to provide spiritual, professional and intellectual development of the individual, to prepare highly qualified national staff, the department staff is actively seeking new forms and methods of educational work for strengthening its efficiency and quality, beneficial impact on students knowledge, improve its education and culture. An important role in this process is played by Olympiad disciplines. Faculty actively attract students to them. In The first phase the best students are involved, then the winners are determined, and recommended to participate in the second final stage of Ukrainian Olympiad, held  by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Primary school of academic future professional growth is to inculcate interest in research. Therefore, the Department has student scientific groups in different areas of research activities, including:

• «Philosophy and youth" - supervisor: Associate Professor, PhD R.V.Atashkade;

• «Ukrainian historical science: research methodology" - supervisor: Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.A.Dmytruk;

• «World Policy: History, Theory, Practice" - supervisor: associate professor, political science N.A.Dubovyk;

• «Methods and methodology of sociological research" - supervisor: Associate Professor, PhD in Sociology O.V.Kozhedub.

The undergraduate students are involved in research topics of the department, they talk to scientists, become familiar with modern science fields, and various conferences, competitions, both at the university and beyond they summarize this creative work. Scientific and creative work of students is estimated at a high level each year at the national and regional student research competitions

In particular, in recent years the results of students research were presented at the X International Scientific Conference of students and young people, which took place on 25-26 April 2013 at State University of Telecommunications and International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Days of Science Faculty of Philosophy - 2013 "at the philosophical faculty of Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko University 16-17 April 2013

Faculty involved students to participate in a roundtable "Ukrainian linguistics in the context of the Common" in the SUT, which held 10 November 2014 on the occasion of the Day of Ukraine in Ukrainian literature and language.

December 9, 2014, as part of the Student Scientific Conference "Social and economic problems of the Information Society", organized by the Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, a meeting of the section "The development of social technologies in the information society was held."  University students , prepared by members of the department of sociology and the humanities, political science, associate N.A.Dubovyk, senior teachers O.V.Demchenko, M.S.Trush, I.I.Orekhova took part in the worksection .

April 16, 2015 an open educational and scientific seminar "Philosophy and Language" was held, which was attended by foreign students SUT through the efforts of teachers trails S.O.Stezhko and R.V.Atashkade and students of TSD-24.

November 26, 2015 Scientific and theoretical conference "The philosophy that unites" was held at  State University of Telecommunications. The conference was attended by students of all specialties SUT. The event was held due to assistant professor of sociology and the humanities, candidate of historical sciences Kachmala V.I. and the candidate of philosophical sciences Atashkade R.V.

26-27 November 2015 teachers of the department of sociology and the humanities of State University of Telecommunications Assoc. N.A.Dubovyk and senior teacher. M.S.Trush participated in the International Scientific Conference on Sociology "The state and global social change: the historical sociology of domination and resistance in modern era", at  National Technical University "KPI", involving groups of students STD-31.

February 19, 2016 as part of practical training students of 1st and 2nd year specialty "Sociology" acquainted with the activities of State institutions "Government of contact" and learned what modern sociologist competence are needed for successful employment in the specialty.

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