State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "051 Економіка" кафедри Економіки та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

The department of sociology and the humanities is an experienced and promising scientific and teaching staff who are actively engaged in scientific work, which results in the publication of educational and instructional manuals, guidelines, scientific monographs, brochures and articles. Among the main rublications we can highlight the following:

Полисаєв О. П. Трансісторичність соціального міфу: монографія. – К.: Промінь, 2010. – 384 с.

The social and philosophical analysis transhistorical mythological  development of human world as a process and the result of the acquisition by traditional mythical forms of advanced features, the existence of the process of globalization. Reveals the philosophical and methodological principles, valuable directions  and cultural contexts of myth interpretation  as polisemantic category that reproduces transhistorical, irrational phenomenon of human existence. It is proved that the myth of post-industrial society - transhistorical principle of mass consciousness (MC).It deals with the specific content of the myth-making process in modern Ukraine in the period in which the formation myths in the social and political existence helps to reveal the function of myth in social transformation. We describe the archetypal elements in the myth of MC and its manifestations in various fields.

Полисаєв О. П. Архітектоніка сучасного міфу: монографія. – Тернопіль: Астон, 2008. – 336 с.

It reveals contemporary contexts of myth existence, showing that common tradition of life world demythologization of human culture as a medium of communication, purposeful coordination of positions, public communication creates a "conflict" of established and new values. It is indicated that the latest problem that keenly demonstrates this "conflict" is an identity crisis associated with changes in forms of identity. It features mythology and the associated archaic "thinking" in terms of social transformation exhibits certain historical meanings that are updated in transitional societies.


Романенко Ю. В., Скідін Л. О. Механізми символічної інтеракції в комунікаціях, політиці, мистецтві: візуально-аналітичний та соціосимволічний аспекти: монографія. – К.: ДУІКТ, 2011. – 300 с.

This monograph is devoted to research of mechanisms of symbolic interaction in various spheres of social life in the context of the correlation of visual analytics and visual symbolism sociology. The publication is intended for professionals of humanities: sociologists, psychologists, experts in the field of international analysts, journalists, lawyers, human resource management and other branches of knowledge in which we have to deal with visual symbolism.

Published scientific articles, chapters in books in 2012-2015.

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