State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

20:39, 07-11-2015

Sychevа Victoria

  Student 4-year Educational Scientific Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship. As a student of the State University of Telecommunications happy for 4 years, holds the position of head of department of culture and mass NNIMP.

   Am an active participant in all cultural events DUTu member and diverse university meetings.

In 2013 participated in scientific seminar «The brand management methods», the contest "Talents of the State University of Telecommunications" and beauty contest "Golden Crown SUICT 2013", which was the first vice-miss of the State University of Telecommunications.

   In 2014 won third place in the student scientific conference of the State University of Telecommunications "Social and economic problems of the Information Society", took part in the All-practical Internet conference "Strategic perspectives of tourism, hotel and restaurant industry in Ukraine: Theory, Practice and Innovation development ".

   Kiev am the winner of beauty contest "StudMis Kyiv 2015" in the nomination "Miss patriotism 2015". Starts with performances games Kyiv basketball teams "BC Dynamo" and "INFIZ-Basket", the anthem of Ukraine perform at the opening matches.

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