State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

To think as a director

14:48, 24-02-2016

In February in the online TV channel studio started practical training of scientific and technical Mug Department of Radio technology called "Secrets of videos, three-dimensional graphics and music production". On the courses, students will analyze the type of project to create a video, which will have to work on. The different purposes of the project require different shooting styles, instruments and creative, first of all will be considered different approaches to the disclosure of a movie: interview, documentaries, training videos and presentations delivered on the script.

Any project starts with an idea. So before you talk about how much time and what kind of equipment required for the project, it is necessary to pay attention to issues such as disclosure of the plot and the process of making a film, and the relationship with digital technologies. In this connection, the focus is on scientific methods which have already become traditional in the creation of films: the principles of storytelling, images with the help of lighting, working with characters, interviews, complement the visual component by sound effects.

For the future experts in the field of multimedia technology this is a great school of practical skills. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the basics things of planning video production, selection of equipment, editing of the footage and release of finished product. Students of RTD-41 group began to study the technical aspects of the general construction of modern-looking Internet TV studio.

Work on studio equipment configuration training is also conducted. The training includes topics:

  • Basic concepts of the video and its types.
  • Basic camera settings. Types and features of cameras.
  • Lighting work.
  • Processing of video and audio materials.

In the future, students need to master all the basic aspects of the video. The final goal it is to release independent "finished video product."

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