State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

14:43, 12-11-2014
16:01, 05-11-2014
12:23, 08-05-2014
On the 10th of April year 2014 at the State University of Telecommunications was held Round Table, the topic was: Spiritual and ethnic determinants of national culture in the context of globalization and the transformation of society, this event ..
15:45, 17-04-2014
Той любить Фані Брон, той любить Беатріче, Лауру, Ганську або Наталі. Коштовні імена на бархаті сторіччя! Немеркнучі зірки на обріях землі! О, скільки взято нот і списано паперу! Шкода, як ореол не держиться чола. Коли безсмертя впа..
11:48, 09-04-2014
God has appointed a person place of birth, country, sky, he can not do anything to change that, because he changes it in a bad way. If something out of his intended changes, it is not the best for someone else is never better. And wherever you go - y..
09:43, 27-03-2014
14:29, 05-03-2014
19:22, 17-02-2014
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