State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

08:26, 22-09-2016
09:52, 15-09-2016
09:54, 06-09-2016
8 July 2016 the company PJSC Datagroup held a working meeting between representatives of the company and the State University of telecommunications.
08:28, 12-07-2016
In order to enhance public oversight and public control over observance of legislation on employers of industrial safety, occupational safety, health, labor legislation, employment, compulsory state social insurance of State Service of Ukraine on Lab..
13:08, 30-06-2016
Metinvest Group starts cooperation with the developer and operator of simulations for the corporate sector CT Influence Games (CTIG). The aim of the joint project - an increase in the effective-ness of industrial safety and labor protection in the st..
11:21, 16-06-2016
We remind year students of all specialties of the necessity to perform and protect laboratory work on discipline «Social and Ecological Safety» for admission to the exam. Additional consultations held art. teacher E. Glebova every Thur..
10:53, 09-06-2016
19-20 May 2016 teachers of the department of Life Safety and health participated in the XV International scientific conference Safety of human life and activity - education, science and practice, which was held at the National Aviation University und..
10:48, 09-06-2016
Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Order of 30.03.2016 № 239/229 approved the new rules of fire safety in communication (the Rules). The new rules w..
11:20, 02-06-2016
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