State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on its work, the organization of the presentation of the complex functions of implementing online training, deployment issues stand trial this complex.
08:21, 18-04-2016
Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on progress, questions of career guidance department.
08:18, 11-04-2016
Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on its work, the organization of the presentation of the complex functions of implementing online training, deployment issues stand trial this complex.
11:54, 04-04-2016
Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on its work, the organization of the presentation of the complex functions of implementing online training, deployment issues stand trial this complex.
12:13, 28-03-2016
Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on the work done and the organization of the presentation of the complex implementing online learning function.
11:50, 21-03-2016
Conduct faculty meeting, where the question of teachers reporting on the work done and the organization of the presentation of the complex implementing online learning function
13:04, 14-03-2016
Last week, a meeting of the department. The agenda included two main issues:
08:26, 09-03-2016
This week, two meetings head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovskiy I.O. with representatives of CISCO and Alcatel Lucent Enterprise companies. The meeting focused on the use of these companies range ..
11:26, 29-02-2016
This week, a meeting of head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovskogo I.O. with the deputy director of the Partners of NEWTEST Guk V.N. The meeting focused on the launch of a pilot project of a ..
19:53, 12-02-2016
This week, a meeting of head of the department Physics of the State University of Telecommunications (SUT) Liskovsky I. with the Head of REL EBG Department Lenovo Gokunem O. company at the meeting discussed the development and modernization of the ..
18:45, 06-02-2016
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