State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The agreement on cooperation between the State Service of Ukraine on La-bour and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine

13:08, 30-06-2016

To strengthen public oversight and public control over observance of legislation on employers of industrial safety, occupational safety, health, labor legislation, employment, compulsory state social insurance of State Service of Ukraine on Labour and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine June 22, 2016 signed a cooperation agreement.

"The signing of this agreement will help establish constructive cooperation at the national, sectoral and regional levels to effectively combine state supervision of public control of trade unions for the protection of human work", - said Head Derzhpratsi Roman Chernega, who signed the Agreement of Parties of the State Service of Ukraine on labor.

According to the Agreement, the Parties shall strengthen dialogue and cooperation on decent work, employment policy, safe and healthy working conditions, social security. Realization of these goals will be through exercises and trainings, conferences on these issues, as well as methods of preventive measures to prevent risks of accidents and occupational risk management, exchange of research and practice in the workplace.

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