State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

To hold parliamentary hearings on the topic: "Ways of development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine in terms of decentralization of power "

13:48, 28-03-2016

March 23, 2016 on the implementation of the requirements of paragraph 2postanovleniya Supreme Council of Ukraine on February 2, 2016 № 969 - VIII chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine A. Parubiya Parliamentary hearings were held on the topic "Ways of development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine in terms of decentralization of power."

At the hearing attended by Minister of Youth and Sports Zhdanov I., his deputies Gotsul I., Danevych M. Wojtowicz Y., Deputy Health Minister Shafranskii V., Deputy Minister of Education and Science Gevko A.

Among the invited experts in the field of physical training and sports were also representatives of the State University of Telecommunications - Olenev D., Prysyazhnyuk S.

The participants of the parliamentary hearings noted that in recent years the population of Ukraine, primarily in children and youth, growing popularity of sedentary lifestyles (fascination with computer games, social networks, etc.), along with other negative factors (deterioration of social and economic conditions of life, work, study, rest, destruction of the health system) leads to the deterioration of the health of all citizens.

One of the most significant threats to the proper functioning of the sphere of physical culture and sports is the desire of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to organize classes on physical education in higher education as an elective (without final control and without the inclusion in the curriculum). The implementation of these proposals, according to participants of the hearing, can lead to complete destruction of the system of physical education of students and the deterioration of their health.

According to the results of the parliamentary hearings the President of Ukraine recommendations were developed, the Supreme Council, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; given to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the order, the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.

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