State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

IT seminar on CyberBionic Systematics on "Requirements for .NET developer»

13:24, 24-04-2016

Dear students!

April 26 at 14:00 in the Аuditorium of the assistance and the organization and Student Council of the Teaching and Research Institute of Telecommunications and Information Operations the Director CyberBionic Systematics and at the same time senior lecturer in Applied Programming of our University Alexander Marchenko will hold  the second seminar on "Requirements for .NET developer."

The program of the seminar:

  • What qualities you must possess - soft skills?
  • What technologies have you know - hard skills?
  • The relationship of duties and responsibilities.
  • How to achieve high wages?
  • Tips on building a career in IT.

Recall that recently Alexander Marchenko has conducted for our students specialized seminar "Requirements for Front-end developer".

Speciality Front-end Developer (Web designer) is increasingly in demand in developing web-sites. Its main goal - to move the layout created by the designer in a browser window. Implement necessary so that clients feel comfortable and more likely to use the site to visit its pages. Professional Front-end Developer must constantly put yourself in the remote user and create pages with intuitive interface. A set of skills that should have everyone who wants to become a Front-end developer, not so great. The specialists of the region have a thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, realize the term "Cross-browser compatibility," "Usability" and always put them into practice.

To learn all this knowledge does not necessarily have to be a guru or supermozhlyvosti in the exact sciences. Suffice to attend courses web programming, and you will see that creating websites - it is very exciting, profitable and interesting.


With Lidery Studrady DUT

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12:30, 31-05-2024
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