State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Classes on "The Development of computer games on the platform Unity 5"

18:47, 05-04-2016

Dear students of the State University of Telecommunications. 12.04.2016 at 15:15 in the conference hall with the support of  IT DUT School will be held 1 lesson on the theme "Development computer games on the Unity Platform 5.

Unity — multi-platform development tool for two- and three-dimensional applications and games running on Windows operating systems and OS X.

During the course you can learn how to: create games / applications for Windows, Android, Web platforms using Unity 5. Learn 3D modeling using 3Ds Max, learn the programming language C # (C Sharp).

Before the lesson, download and install all necessary software on your laptop, which you will attend classes.Detailed information can be found at:

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13:51, 21-06-2024

To the applicant

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