State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

ATTENTION! Launched a set of CCR!

19:53, 18-03-2016 head is full of new ideas, believe that you have a sense of humor, You are the soul of the company? Then this is for you!

Cultural and entertainment department of the Student Council together with the Cultural Center of University launches call for participants to form teams of CCR!

The new design, new faces, new stars!

CCR competition between teams of faculties and institutes - for those who like humor!

Renewed jury, proven coaches and new funny characters!

Who is part of the 4 best teams this year?

Which team would prefer each member of the jury?

Come and prove that your department / institute - a Sharks of laughter!

For more information, contact the coach:

  • FTС - Sorochenko Igor (tel. 0934327121);
  • FIT - Mykola Melnychenko (tel. 0632769115);
  • ESIIS - Protasenko Constantine (tel. 0937213076);
  • ESIME - Mykola Melnychenko (tel. 0632769115).


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