State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Practical seminar "Modern space technology"

13:19, 13-10-2015

October 6, 2015 at the State University of Telecommunications Department space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications held scientific and practical seminar "Modern space technology" is dedicated to the 58 anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, the Day of rocket-space industry of Ukraine and the 15th anniversary of the Department combat support aircraft and use of space systems of the National Defence University of Ukraine.

October 4, 1957 the launch of Sputnik. Launch date is considered the beginning of the space age mankind.

Not by chance, 15 years ago, on Oct. 4, 2000 was created Department combat support aircraft. Research and teaching staff of the department was so powerful that the department opened a new direction in training space industry. In 2004 the department was headed trestle Sergey Viktorovich. Department called combat support aircraft and the use of space systems. This was supported by Tolubko Vladimir Borisovich then chief of the National Defense University of Ukraine.

The department through the work of scientific schools trained six doctors and ten candidates. At present, specialists of the department have become rectors, pro-rectors, directors, heads of departments, professors, associate professors, doctoral study in different universities of Ukraine.

Realizing the importance of the use of space thanks to the support and leadership headed by Rector Vladimir Borisovich Tolubko the State University of Telecommunications in 2014 was created Department of space systems and complexes and satellite telecommunications. Because this space technologies and communications and navigation, and meteorology and topoheodeziya and search and rescue support. Where conventional technologies are not effective or can not be applied, using space technology. All scientific teaching staff of the department candidate of technical sciences and experts in telecommunications and space industry.

Department establishes relations of cooperation. So in 2014, the Department has concluded a cooperation agreement with the National Space Agency of Ukraine, and in 2015 with JSC "Datagroup" - a leading national provider of telecommunication services in the market and currently cooperates with them.

At the scientific seminar "Modern space technology" with opening speech rector of the State University of Telecommunications Tolubko Vladimir Borisovich Professor, who noted the importance for the state and the Armed Forces of Ukraine's space industry and therefore the establishment of the University Space Systems Department and systems and satellite telecommunications is an important step to prepare highly qualified specialists and welcomed all the participants of the 58 th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, the Day of the space industry of Ukraine and the 15th anniversary of the Department combat support aircraft and the use of space systems of the National Defence University of Ukraine.

In addition to the words of greeting and analysis of in the space sector were:

Oleg Mashkov Albertovich, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Ukraine's space industry, space industry veteran Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine - vice-rector of the State Ecological Academy;

Vlasenko Gennady Ph.D., associate professor - head of space systems and satellite telecommunications facilities and the State University of Telecommunications;

Pribylyev Yuriy B., Ph.D., associate professor - doctoral student use of space systems and providing geo National Defence University of Ukraine;

Nikolai Demidenko, Head of Special Programs Center of the National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities State Space Agency of Ukraine;

George L. Baranov, Ph.D., Professor of Information Systems and Technology National Transport University;

Mahonin Yevgeny Ivanovich Ph.D. - Professor of space systems and satellite telecommunications facilities and the State University of Telecommunications;

Mishchenko Vladimir - director of organizational and methodological center of advanced learning technologies State University of Telecommunications.

The seminar was attended by:

The State University of Telecommunications:

1. Tolubko Vladimir Borisovich Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Rector of the State University of Telecommunications;

2. Larissa Komarova A. - Ph.D., Senior Researcher with postgraduate education, correspondence and distance learning, international relations and scientific and pedagogical work with foreign students;

3. Berkman Love Naumovna Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Vice-Rector on scientific and pedagogical work;

4. Yavtushenko Anatoly PhD, Professor - Director of educational-methodical center;

5. Mishchenko Vladimir - director of organizational and methodological center of advanced learning technologies;

6. Sergey Nikolaevich Lvovska - head of personnel;

7. Drobik Alexander V. Ph.D., professor - Head of Research of the State University of Telecommunications;

8. Gavrilko Eugene V. k.v.n., Ph.D. - Head of the Graduate School of the State University of Telecommunications;

9. Zaika Viktor Yanukovych k.v.n., Associate Professor - Chair;

10. Barabash Oleg Vladimirovich Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Chair;

11. Vlasenko Gennady Ph.D., Associate Professor - Chair;

12. Mahonin Yevgeny Ivanovich Ph.D. - Professor;

13. Kirilevnin Alexander Ph.D., Associate Professor;

14. Kyrpach Ludmila Ph.D., associate professor - assistant professor;

15. Silver Irina Ph.D., associate professor - assistant professor;

16. rookie George S. Excellence in Education of Ukraine - Head of the Laboratory Department.

From the National Defense University of Ukraine:

1. Kozub Andrey, PhD, Associate Professor - Professor of the use of space systems and GIS software;

2. Uleschenko Alexei A., PhD - Professor;

3. Pribylyev Yuriy B., Ph.D., associate professor - doctoral student use of space systems and GIS software;

4. Alexander Vladimirovich Blinov.

From the National control center and tests of space means the State Space Agency of Ukraine:

1. Volokh Constantine P., Deputy Chief;

2. Vladimir Yakovenko, Deputy Chief;

3. Nikolai Demidenko, Head of Special Programs Center;

4. Poihalo Anatoly V., chief engineer;

5. Ilyuchok Oleg, Head of Centre for special programs.

From the State Environmental Academy:

1. Oleg Mashkov Albertovich, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Ukraine's space industry, space industry veteran Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine - Vice-Rector.

2. Pashkov Dmitriy Pavlovich Ph.D., Associate Professor - - Head of Department;


From the National Aviation University:

1. P. Gregory G., k.v.n., associate professor - assistant professor;

From the National Transport University:

1. Baranov George L. Ph.D., Professor - Professor of information systems and technologies;

From the Internet:

1. Yuri Kravchenko Ph.D., professor;

2. Pankratova Olga S.;

3. Nohrin Victor V.;

4. Poet Alexander

5. Silkov Valery, Ph.D., associate professor - leading researcher of CRI Armed Forces with weapons and equipment;

6. Dmitry T. Gray, Ph.D., associate professor - assistant professor;

7. Stavytskyy Sergey Dmitrievich Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Director of LLC "That bit."

With final speech rector of the State University of Telecommunications Tolubko Vladimir Borisovich Professor, who thanked all those present for their active and fruitful work on the scientific and practical seminar "Modern space technology" and expressed hope for further cooperation for the development of space industry of Ukraine and stressed attend the university to recruit students for the second degree and postgraduate study and doctoral studies.

During the workshop it was decided:

1. This annual seminar to do with the expansion of the participants;

2. To take part in the International scientific conference "Modern information and communication technologies" State University of Telecommunications, which will be held from 17 to 20 November, and in the exhibition, which will take place in the framework of the conference.

Responsibility: Vlasenko GM

About the department

To the applicant

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