State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies


19:24, 04-03-2016

Without a doubt, Albert Einstein - one of the greatest scientists in the history of mankind. But, as often happens, the history of distorting the facts, and some are simply erased from memory. Once again, studying the biography of Einstein, I managed to find some information about the great physics, which is now capable of surprise.

Disputing authorship theory of relativity

When the great physicist, discovered the theory of relativity, his copyrights were questioned. The facts prove it, were sufficiently serious, though not widely known.

The prosecution went by David Hilbert and his supporters. Gilbert believed that he first came to the discovery of the theory, as Einstein used his achievements and did not leave any reference to the true author. Einstein himself said that his early works were copied Gilbert than refuted the charges.

When they began to understand the situation, we decided that the two scientists worked separately, but Gilbert has filed its work before Einstein. When historians began to understand the problem further, they found that it was some of Einstein's achievements were taken by his colleague. Thus Einstein's name has never been mentioned.

Historians suggest that the evidence Hilbert lacked data to obtain the correct solutions. At the time of publication of the scientist was able to correct the error. Although Einstein's work was published much earlier, Gilbert contrasted her own work.

The famous physicist was a good student

Many believe that Einstein went bad. However, it is not. While still at school he knew the great mathematician. Mathematical analysis of Einstein learned in 12 years, and three years later wrote an essay, which became the basis for the future development of the theory of relativity.

Rumors of bad marks scientist went due to the different classification assessments in schools in Germany and Switzerland. Grades 1 to 6, where 6 was the first bad evaluation, and then the system was inverted and 6 become the highest score. The unit here instead of the highest points received the lowest.

But in Einstein could not do the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. And there were rumors of a bad learning a great genius. The future scientist was able to deliver such excellent scientific subjects such as physics and mathematics, but for the exams in the public, in particular on the French language, he received the lowest scores.

Einstein Inventions

Physicists managed to create a refrigerator, work that does not need electricity. The authorship belongs to the scientist, as well as his colleague and friend Leo Szilard.

Cooling products have passed through the process of absorption. During the change of pressure between the gases and liquids that applied in its learned development occurs a decrease in temperature in the refrigerating chamber.

Create a device scientist decided to learn about the accident with a German family. In the usual refrigerator leaked toxic gas, which has poisoned the whole family. While there are such problems as defects in the seal. Then poisonous substances, sulfur dioxide and methyl chloride, flowed out.

Among Einstein's inventions - a pump and a blouse. This blouse was located on two rows of fasteners. The first series was intended for evil human body, and the second - for the more fat people. Very economical thing, allowing in the case of weight loss or, on the contrary, a strong gain simply move from one row of fasteners to another without changing the thing itself.

The dictatorial regime because of the amendments to the US Constitution

During World War II, many of the luminaries of science and culture in the United States ran. Among them was, and Kurt Gödel. However, it was very difficult to get citizenship in this country. When it was his turn to be interviewed for America's citizen status, Kurt Gödel had to come accompanied by two people taking the responsibility to vouch for him. Then he called his friends - Oskar Morgenstern and Einstein.

Interview conducted Phillip Forman, who is also a friend of Einstein, but this coincidence accidental. Gödel was preparing for a long time to finally get citizenship. During the interview, Foreman said the United States had never been and will never be dictatorial country. Gödel, on the contrary, he objected, saying that the US dictator, is easy to implement thanks to a loophole in the Constitution. The scientist wanted to clarify what kind of a loophole, but Einstein made no other comment, otherwise it would impede his further fate in prosperous America. The judge ended the interview, and Gödel received the status of a citizen of America.

This situation has been known from the diary Morgenstern. However, there was no indication of details. Until now, no one knows for sure what Godel said. Now assume that if it was a question of Article 5, which allows to make changes. It turns out that only a few amendments - and legally possible to destroy the Constitution.

FBI surveillance led by Einstein, accusing him of spying for the Soviet Union

From 1933 to 1955, when Einstein came to America, and until his death, the scientist was exposed to constant FBI surveillance. His phone was tapped, and writing often fall into the hands of investigators. Office even scours debris scientist trying to find any evidence of suspicious activity. Most scientist suspected in espionage against the Soviet Union.

The FBI also connects immigration to find a reason to deport and Einstein. The reason for this attitude served his pacifist views and human rights position. All this made him a radical anti-government and gave rise to suspicion.

Women patriotic corporation before the arrival of the famous physicist in the US has sent a letter to the government to protest against the arrival of the scientist. Women's Party wrote there that even Stalin was not a Communist, as Einstein.

Before you get a visa Scientists have long questioned in terms of its political priorities. Then Einstein spoke effusively that the American people begged him on his arrival, and he should not tolerate such attitude. The scientist always knew he was being watched. Once he admitted Ambassador of Poland, that their conversation was recorded.

Einstein regretted that he was involved in the creation of nuclear weapons

The scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, which allowed America to develop nuclear weapons, has never been associated with Einstein. They were not allowed to communicate with him, and Einstein himself, even suddenly having expressed a desire to also have not received permission.

However, Einstein together with the physicist Leo Szilard sent a letter to the American President Roosevelt, expressing a request to create a nuclear weapon. Einstein did it, knowing that the Germans split the uranium atom. The physicist was afraid that Germany will create the first such weapon.

When the United States first, not only developed, but also dropped the atomic bomb. Einstein said that would not sign the letter, knowing what consequences it will have.

Einstein's son - Edward

Einstein and his wife Mileva Maric had several children. Their second son - Edward. He was born in 1910. He was also called "Aunt" or "Tetelo". As a child, he suffered a lot. At age 20 he was diagnosed with "schizophrenia." Mileva Einstein divorced in 1919, and the first time Edward stayed with her. But soon he was sent to a psychiatric hospital.

The scientist himself is not surprised such a diagnosis. Mileva's sister was ill with schizophrenia, Einstein is often noticed in Tete similar signs of illness.

In America, Einstein proved in a year after his son was in hospital. Although in Europe the scientist often visited the children, but because America is no longer Einstein came to the sons. Eduardo he wrote seldom. But his letters were always mental. On the eve of World War II, the scientist wrote that he wanted to meet with him in the spring. But the war prevented, and they are no longer able to see.

Mileva died in 1948. Tete went to live in the hospital for some time he spent in the foster family, but after he had to return to the hospital. Edward died in 1965.

Einstein smoked incessantly

A well-known fact that there is nothing stronger than a violin and a pipe, Einstein did not like. For his addiction to smoking, he received a lifetime membership in the Montreal club pipe smokers. Scientific thought smoking his best soothing remedy. He also noted that it allows him to think objectively.

The attending physician strongly advised to Einstein to quit smoking, in response to which the scientist lit his pipe. Even when Einstein fell from a boat during one of his trips, he defended his favorite pipe from the water.

Manuscripts, letters and tube remained the few personal belongings that were in the use of physics.

Physicist love women

In times when a scientist was not engaged in work or smoking, he was fond of women. This is evident from his letters. And maybe not so much the scientist was tied to women, how much they loved him.

Hanoch Gutfreund, who studied Einstein's life and who is the chairman of the World exhibition at the Hebrew University, describes his life with his second wife - Elsa. Not so long ago, all the letters were published in physics, which, according to Hanoch Gutfreund, represent it as not of the worst husband and father.

However, he acknowledged that to be faithful to his wife can not. In his letters he spoke frankly about all his women, nevertheless noting their interest as undesirable. During his marriage, there were at least six.

The biggest mistake of Einstein

The brilliant physicist during his scientific career made at least seven errors in the works.

In 1917, Einstein admitted his biggest mistake. In the theory of relativity, he put the cosmological constant - a symbol lambda. This allowed us to consider the Universe as stable as previously thought among scholars of the time. Lambda - a force that can counteract the force of gravity. When physicists discovered that the universe is still expanding, he removed the symbol. But in 2010, researchers came to the conclusion that the physicist was right in its original form. Lambda - this is theoretically "dark energy" that opposes gravity and under the influence of which the universe is expanding at an accelerated pace.

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