State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


19:19, 04-03-2016

Physicist from "Fermilab" (USA), which specializes in research in the field of high energy physics, Don Lincoln held a serious research work, trying to determine whether it is possible to create a real weapon title of the saga "Star Wars" - a lightsaber.

The scientist believes that the development of such weapons is ideal held by plasma directed magnetic fields - so you can form a "blade" the desired shape. In any case, to create a lightsaber, in reality, it is not suitable to the creators of the film, laser technology - in the Earth's atmosphere, the laser beam is almost not visible. In addition, there is no way to adjust the length of the "Blade".

In turn, the handle of the lightsaber should be plasma generator, which holds the magnetic field direction. However, the device still is not without flaws - latching magnet plasma is not a physical object. In the course of such a duel swords will simply pass through each other.

This problem Don Lincoln proposes to solve by setting the sword core of ceramic polymers that can withstand the temperature of the plasma. This decision gives rise to a third problem: the movie by turning off the lightsaber, its a small handle is worn on the belt without any core.

The next problem to the creation of cine weapons - there are currently no sufficiently compact and powerful source of energy that would be able to generate the plasma extended period of time. According to preliminary calculations, the device must issue a 20 MW. Taking into account the fact that a private house consume about 1.4 kW, we find that the only lightsaber could provide power to 14 thousand. Homes. So powerful and compact energy source of mankind is not able to create.

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