State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Roundtable Penetration testing, a method for assessing the security of information and telecommunication systems

10:31, 16-06-2016

The institute of information security at the Department of Information and cyber security under the guidance of senior lecturer Chmielewski RM roundtable was held Penetration testing, a method for assessing the security of information and telecommunication systems.

The roundtable included presentations of student work. During the debate the future experts in the field of information security UBD-31 group discussed methods to assess the safety of computer systems and networks by means of simulation attack. It was considered as the penetration testing process involves an active analysis of the system for potential vulnerabilities that can trigger incorrect work of the target system or a complete denial of service.

The greatest interest aroused report students: Andrusenko A., I. Zaitsev «Ethicak hacking and Penetration testing», Yuri Kovtun "Rules pentesta: audit standard PCI DSS», D. Markowski "test security Web applications using W3AF», Valko B. "Selection component pentesteriv" ​​and so on.

As discussed attended by all students group.

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