State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The new manual "Information and cyberspace, security issues, methods and means of struggle"

10:24, 08-04-2016

Lecturer Information and cyber security Teaching and Research Institute of information security of the State University of Telecommunications issued a manual (laboratory practice) "Information and cyberspace, security issues, methods and means of struggle."

Considering the fact that ICT now become a powerful force in the transformation of social life and innovation, their active implementation has changed the world economy and caused a deep systemic changes in the global information and cyberspace.

With a global specificity of these substances give rise, in turn, new and first of all cyber threats and challenges to solve that are experts in information and cyber security, armed with new knowledge and skills and innovative approaches. It will contribute to this and issued a guide, which is a practical addition to the manual of the same name and is designed for use in educational programs in the disciplines of "cyberspace" and "Fundamentals of information and cyber security."

The manual presents a series of laboratory work on the following topics: features, principles of formation and development of modern information society; Cyberspace and Network Internet: formation, structure, problematic aspects of the operation; system security information and cyberspace: the formation and development as well as the means and methods of struggle in the information and cyberspace. Their assimilation will more deeply and in detail the basic rules, concepts and definitions on basic aspects of information security, the creation and operation of secure information and communication systems.

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