State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the State Enterprise "Ukrainian Special Systems"

13:23, 07-04-2016

March 28, 2016 between the State University of Telecommunications and State Enterprise "Ukrainian Special Systems" signed. The initiator of this cooperation was the Department of Information and cyber security.

Combining educational, scientific and technological capabilities of the parties who have signed this agreement will improve the efficiency of work in the development, deployment and operation of the National System of Confidential Communication (NSKZ), construction and certification of complex information security systems (CISS) about ' objects of information activity (OID) and ensure the quality of public examinations of equipment, software and software and hardware CISS, which are to be used in NSKZ OID and state agencies, organizations and enterprises of different ownership. The main forms of collaboration NCU:

  • to conduct research and development work aimed at ensuring security of IT systems and networks, information and cyberspace threats to the state of human and man-made disasters;
  • a test of hardware and / or software of computer systems for information security;
  • in creating a common hardware and software systems to study the technical and methodological issues of information security and others cyberspace.

Along with the signing of the agreement will allow students Educational and Research Institute of information security of the State University of Telecommunications to take professional practical training at the company, which is the licensee in the field of cryptographic and technical information protection and has special permission to carry out activities related to state secrets.

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