State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Forecast 2016: attack on Android and scale of infection - one of the main threats to security

13:27, 10-02-2016

Published forecasts of basic IT-security issues in 2016 by the manufacturer of cloud security solutions Panda Security. The coming year will be filled with threats that may adversely affect home users, small companies and large corporations.

The volume of the creation and dissemination of new types of malicious programs designed to infect users, will continue to grow exponentially, as we saw in 2015, when every day the recorded number of samples of new malware has reached the mark of 230,000.

During the 2016 projected growth in the number of infections through JavaScript, as well as the growing number of cyber-crimes using Powershell - utility included with Windows 10, which allows scripts to perform all types of functions that can be used for attacks on users.

Large-scale attacks on mobile devices

Cyber-crooks are looking for ways that allow them to carry out attacks on the greatest number of users and companies to achieve the highest possible profits.

In this regard, they will continue to use tools such as kits exploit (Exploit Kits), because many current solutions are not able to deal effectively with this type of attack - and this means that the chances are very high levels of infection. For the same reason, it will also increase the number of malicious programs for mobile devices, especially for Android, which is the most popular operating system in this market sector.

The main challenges for the security

In the current situation where the number of threats is growing exponentially, attacks are becoming more complex and sophisticated, consumers and businesses will have to take additional security measures to be protected from the dangers of the Internet in 2016.

Furthermore, for companies, there are also threats that could seriously damage their business reputation lead to huge financial losses. Cyber ​​criminals will aim to steal confidential information related to the company (financial data, strategic plans, etc.), And even the information, which is owned by their customers. Once they are able to get this information, they will try to blackmail the company to pay a ransom for the return of this information - is often used a technique known as Cryptolocker.

In order to adequately deal with the complexity of such attacks, and other threats that we expect to see in 2016, consumers and businesses will need to have the tools and security solutions that are able to analyze and classify the behavior of all executable files and processes and are able to offer the option for extended protection to prevent and counter new security threats.

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