State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

30 October took place meeting of graduate students of State university of telecommunication

14:50, 05-11-2015

30 October, 2015 collections of graduate students took place in the assembly hall of the State university of telecommunications.

Before graduate students speech was made a by the chancellor of the State university of telecommunications, professor, deserved worker of folk formation of Ukraine, Volodymyr Tolubko.

A chancellor is pay attention to plenty of future scientists that filled up the rows of university after a government order.

The questions of collections sounded basic so:

- at the prelude of graduate students there is possibility to be the assistants of department that gives an opportunity to become professional teachers;

- importance of teaching of actual objects (new achievements are for 1-2) young specialists;

- possibility to publish theses and articles, participate in conferences and protect dissertations on a university base;

- necessity of graduate students to own English;

- importance of participating is in the International conference, that will take place in State university of telecommunications on November, 17-20 in 2015.

From the department of Information security systems there were present graduate students and them scientific leaders.

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