State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

The meeting of Department

12:27, 20-10-2014

October 15, 2014 in the laboratory of interactive technologies Department of Higher Mathematics (aud.515) was held a regular meeting of of the Department Higher Mathematics.

The purpose of the meeting: a report of the Department of Higher Mathematics assistant, graduate student Zhebka Viktoria Viktorivna and discuss the main aspects of her dissertation research, and discussion of the pressing issues of the educational process.

With an introduction by Head of the Department of Mathematics, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Barabash Oleg Volodymyrovych, who congratulated the participants of the meeting and outlined the issues that need to be addressed.

 A presentation was made graduate student Zhebka Victoria Viktorivna, which is a competitor of the degree of candidate of technical sciences specialty 05.12.02 - telecommunication systems and networks. Supervisor: Kozelkov Sergey Viktorovych. Subject of the thesis: "Improving the quality indicators of data transmission systems".

During his report, Victoria Viktorivna explained the content of the basic concepts of the thesis. At the appropriate level would brighten content of the work, the purpose, object and subject of the dissertation research. Also during the report of the urgency of the work and lighted novelty of the dissertation research. Very clearly and substantiated lighted main results obtained to date Viktoria Viktorivna and outlined a plan of action for the near future.

 The report aroused the interest of the participants. Following the report of the meeting asked the question, to which Victoria Viktorivna gave a clear reasoned response.

Thereafter, each of the participants to express their own point of view on this dissertation research and its main results. Report was favorably received, and Zhebka V.V. - good advice and recommendations that will need it in the future work on the dissertation.

Teachers of the department during the session again, questions were raised about the importance of homework and reporting methods students on its implementation. Said question were vividly discussed and made ​​suggestions.

Heard a report on the work of curators, during which discussed the main aspects when working with students and discuss a plan of action for the coming period.

Closing remarks were made ​​by Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Barabash O.V., who thanked for fruitful work and summarized the main directions of the workforce for the next period.

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