State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Cooperation of department of Mobile and video information technologies with leading telecommunication companies

15:24, 26-09-2016

Staff of the department of Mobile and video information technologies persistently working to strengthen the practical component of the curriculum and prepare of students and confirmation of their professional competencies through by international certificates.

Issuing of certificates is only possible at the passing of certified tests in test centers of recognized leaders in the global market of telecommunication equipment and software.

The largest company that provides its services in the global market of distance learning and education services, is a company Pearson VUE (Pearson Virtual University Enterprises), which employs more than 40 000 people.

Active cooperation of the Department with world's leading telecommunications companies like Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, ZTE promoted the signing of international agreements (memorandums of cooperation).

With representatives of ZTE company was created a specialized scientific training laboratory for the training and development of mobile and wireless communications that based on CDMA2000 mobile equipment complex. Currently, on this equipment conducted specialized courses for university students in the direction of "Mobile network generation CDMA 2000 and WCDMA: the architecture and features of the technical operation" together with ZTE experts.

Also, together with the representatives from Alcatel-Lucent at the department deployed a wireless network fragment Mobile Wi-MAX 802.16e standard, which is used for training and education of access wireless networks specialists in the field of "Broadband Wireless Wi-MAX communication network: construction, practical planning and technical operation".

In order to ensure quality training of specialists of the department of "Mobile and video information technology" have been signed cooperation agreements with the offices of Ericsson and Nokia companies. This makes it possible to spend specialized corporate courses of these companies for more in-depth study of the issues of operation of the latest wireless broadband.

In the near future, together with the specialists from National Instruments company at the Department planed to deploy a fragment of broadband wireless network of LTE standard of 4th generation, based on which will be prepare students in the specialty of "Equipment of radio broadcasting and television". Also it will be conducted courses to improve the skills in the direction of "UMTS and LTE radio systems: the technical aspects of construction, practical planning and optimization of radio networks". Our University was the first institution in Kiev, which is composed several of the corresponding centers.

This makes it possible to pass tests directly in the University to carry out certification of our students and teachers through officially recognized programs of several dozen manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and software which leaders are: Ericsson, Cisco, Juniper, ZTE, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Linux and others.

The head of the department of Mobile and video information technologies

Sayko Volodymyr Hrygorovych

Doctor of technical science, professor of the Department of Mobile and video information technologies (044) 249-25-04

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