State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Pre-diploma practice of specialists of mobile communications and digital broadcasting

14:05, 12-05-2016

The quality of professional training in the field of mobile telecommunications largely determine the future of technology. And it says a lot about the importance of education in this area. Specialists in wireless technologies and digital television graduate training in universities and colleges. They offer a variety of areas of training specialties and profiles.

In The State University of Telecommunications at the Department of Radio technologies students are trained for one of the prestigious majors for the telecommunications market - "Mobile telecommunications and digital television systems." This specialization includes the latest radio technology mobile multimedia and information services on tablets, smartphones and other intelligent computer devices of new generation.

Beginner positions for graduates:

  • Engineer of systems broadcasting and television;
  • Engineer of the implementation and operation of advanced mobile and wireless networks;
  • Technical Specialist of video and audio installation;
  • Engineer of support equipment mobile and wireless networks.

Training of specialists for provide mobile media services granted for mobile operators like «Vodafone UA», «Kyivstar GSM», «Astelit" Internet service providers and LLC "Sattelekom."

The practice of students are passes in technical departments of leading mobile operators and digital broadcasting. Practice is the kind of studies directly focused on vocational and practical training of students. It reinforces the knowledge and skills acquired by students of specialization as a result of the development of theoretical courses, practical skills, creates and promotes comprehensive development of professional competence of students.

This year, students of the fourth year of study have pre practices in the "Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies" under the guidance of leading experts on the level of heads of departments, heads of laboratories and leading engineers of the Certification Authority headed by Alexander G. Lysenko.

The head of the department of Radio technologies Sayko Volodymyr Hrygorovych Doctor of technical science, professor of the Department of Radio technologies

(044) 249-25-04

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