State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies

ROUND TABLE "Spiritual and ethnic determinants of national culture in the context of globalization and the transformation of society"

15:45, 17-04-2014

On the 10th of April year 2014 at the State University of Telecommunications was held Round Table, the topic was: "Spiritual and ethnic determinants of national culture in the context of globalization and the transformation of society", this event was attended by the scientists of the University and researchers from other scientific institutions and higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

The round table was held with the support of the Rector of the State University of Telecommunications, PhD, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine - Vladimir Borisovich Tolubko.

The set was opened by pro-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, Professor, PhD - Berkman Lubov Naumovna, which wished success, growth in science and new discoveries.

During the Round Table were presented and discussed performances, which comprehensively covered current issues in all spheres of Ukrainian society. In particular, "Cultural identity institutionalized by the political means" - (by the Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head researcher of the department of social and political history of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of NAS of Ukraine I.F.Kurasa - Bevz Tatiana Anatoliivna), "Personal freedom and social unity: conditions of the disputed building Ukraine"- (by the Ph.D., docent of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev – Kononenko Taras Petrovich), "Ethics in Information Technology "- (by the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of Ukrainian of the State University of Telecommunications - Dudnik Valentina Mykhailovna), "Environmental awareness as an essential component of the spiritual foundations of humanity development " - (by the PhD, associate professor of philosophy and pedagogy of the National transport University - Balagura Elena Alexandrovna), "The idea of ​​the European choice of Ukraine's in political opinion of the diaspora academics" (by the doctoral of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Paul Josef Shafarik University, t. Kosice - Nikoleta Sabov), "Information violence as a factor in a destructive impact on the socio-cultural life" - (by the candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of the department of Ukrainian of the State University of Telecommunications - Slyusarenko Pavel Nikolayevich), "Spiritual principles of Ukrainian folk songs in personality development" - (by the senior researcher of the cultural studies department of the  National Research Institute of Ukrainian and world history, people's artist of Ukraine - Korotya- Kowalska Valentina Pavlovna), "Detection of Ukrainian passionarity during the revolutionary events in 2013 - 2014 biennium as a sign of renewal of the Ukrainian ethnogenesis"- (by the candidate in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of Ukrainian History and museology of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts - Rudenko Sergey Borisovich), "Neolohizatsiya of the phraseology in the cultural context of postmodernism" (by the candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the department of Ukrainian of the State University of Telecommunications - Shevelyeva Olga Mykhailovna).


It should be noted that the discussion of topics of this problem in the current environment is very timely, because the global world makes its own imperatives. Globalization has deep historical and philosophical roots and it is essential to understand the location, place, role and position of Ukraine in the process of globalization of national culture.

This event was initiated by the PhD, Associate Professor of the department of Ukrainian of the State University of telecommunications – Petkun Svetlana Mikhailovna.

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