State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Work in pairs!

17:25, 20-12-2023

In English practical classes in order to improve the work of students: to develop their communication skills and to promote better assimilation of professional vocabulary, work in pairs is often used. This type of activity gives students the opportunity to think about a professional task, exchange ideas with a partner and then voice it in front of an audience.

At the beginning, the teacher gives the situation on various topics: either you need to learn some information during future professional activities, or agree on future events, or discuss key issues. For example, you are Mr. John. Call the person who called you about the job advertisement, offer to send a resume and inform them about the deadline for submitting applications – two weeks.

Having received such a situation, students compose a small dialogue in pairs. One student is Mr. John, who calls, offers to send a resume, and the other student is a person who wants to get a position in the company. Students act out a business situation in pairs, then they can switch roles. At this time, the teacher listens to each pair and helps students adapt during the business game. This type of activity allows cooperation with each other, develops communication skills and cultivates respect during future professional activities. And the teacher provides diversity and encourages students to get to know all their classmates better, not just personal friends.

The senior teacher of the Department of English Bondarenko Yu. S.

To the applicant

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