State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Linguistic phenomenon

15:00, 05-12-2023

A. D. Belova, analyzing the current state, the latest trends and perspectives of linguistics, notes that in 15-20 years the atmosphere of communication, the nature of communication will be determined by modern teenagers, whose psyche has been influenced by the Internet, chats, SMS, forums, computer games. The worldview of modern teenagers, appropriate computer literacy in combination with music, visual effects, future technical innovations, new values ​​can lead to the transformation of existing and the formation of new text genres. What has been said, in our opinion, directly relates to the rapid development of slang vocabulary and slang texts, which are now widespread not only in oral conversational and colloquial speech, but also in fiction (not only in the speech of characters, but also in the speech of authors), mass media (which includes slang studies in the field of interests of media linguistics), etc.

At the end of the 20th century, the slang of the post-Soviet space turned from a protest feature of certain social groups into an exceptionally widespread, universal, "total" phenomenon of mass culture (respectively, different subcultures serve their own subcultural slangs, opposed to mass slang to the extent that these groups themselves are separate and closed). Slang serves as a linguistic mirror of mass culture and its values, an embodiment of the picture of the world. Jargon/slang is quite rightly considered not only as a linguistic, but also as a cultural phenomenon. Therefore, the correlation of slang with other phenomena of culture, in particular youth culture, is an important problem for scientific research.

Some slangisms record rather colorful details of subcultural specificity (such as Polish biforka "a small party before the main one" from English "before", Polish afterek "morning event after a party with light music and hangover cocktails" from English afterparty "after the party", Polish. kseroboj "a guy who, out of jealousy, seeks to copy the style of another").

N. Ivanova draws attention to the fact that the study of the peculiarities of slang goes hand in hand with studies of the psychology of social groups, the interaction of a group and an individual, as well as the phenomena of the norm and game, the canon of its debunking, submission to the rule and the expression of protest.

So, slang is a linguistic, sociological, psychological and cultural phenomenon.

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