State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Information tools for mastering English speaking skills

12:10, 23-11-2023

Mastering the skills of speaking English is the key to success, but sometimes oral communication turns into correspondence, and in order to build your writing skills, we suggest that you familiarise yourself with the information tools that can help you with this.

Grammarly ( is a Ukrainian-based online platform based on artificial intelligence to help people communicate in English, launched in 2009. Grammarly improves the quality of written communication by offering recommendations on the correctness, clarity, engagement and tone of a message. The platform is free and offers many opportunities to improve writing skills.

When it comes to academic writing skills, where there are requirements not only for correct spelling but also for the number of words, Word Counter ( is a great tool to use. The site allows you to paste a ready-made text or write a new one, and the text is immediately analysed in the sidebar: the number of words, the number of characters, the writing style and a list of keywords in the text are indicated, which can help you when writing articles. The site works more efficiently if you install the Grammarly extension to check spelling.

The materials were prepared by Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Language Hordiichuk N.V.

To the applicant

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