State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies


10:12, 11-05-2021

Dear students and applicants!

The Department of Public Administration gives you the opportunity to get a modern and unique education in the field of knowledge 28 "Public Administration and Management" on educational programs:

1. «Public administration and management»

- Specialists-managers are trained to establish public communications in the state and abroad (for public administration and business management), create the image of state, public and political figures, managers for territorial administration, development of regions of the country, large-scale development and transnationalization of business.

2. «State management of the national information space»

- Specialists-managers are trained in confrontation in information wars (state and business) and ensuring national information security of the state and information security of big business

3. «State management of social and psychological processes in society»

- Specialists in the psychology of management in the state and business are being trained (experts-analysts of social and psychological phenomena and processes)

You have a unique opportunity, while studying in one specialty, to get a high-quality higher education in the field of state, public and business management!

Only at the State University of Telecommunications, educational programs in the field of knowledge 28 "Public Administration and Management" allow applicants for higher education to form a set of competencies necessary for the management personnel of public authorities, local governments, as well as for top and middle managers of private companies, corporations and other commercial organizations.

The educational program in the specialty "Public Administration and Management" is innovative in nature and is in no way inferior to the corresponding programs of the world's leading universities, since it is based on a close connection of progressive practical methods and technologies of management in the public and private sectors of the economy; modern scientific approaches and concepts in the field of public administration (New Public Management, Good Governance, Network Goverment, E-Goverment); current foreign experience, models of building and functioning of public and corporate governance systems in the leading countries of the world.

It should be noted that all members of the academic community of the department have an academic degree of Doctor or Candidate of Science. The dominant part of the members of the academic community of the department are scientists and at the same time practitioners in the field of public administration. Training sessions in the specialty are conducted in Ukrainian and English. The overwhelming majority of the teaching staff of the Department of Public Administration has certificates confirming a high level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​(at least level B 2).

The content of education in this specialty provides for the predominant proportion of practical training of a future manager, for which various forms of practice and internships are used directly in public authorities, as well as in enterprises, institutions, organizations of different forms of ownership. In fact, training in our educational programs is carried out by analogy with the MBA programs of the world's leading business schools!

In addition, it should be emphasized that students of the specialty "Public Administration and Management", in contrast to students in a similar specialty at other universities, receive unique knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of business transnationalization, strategic management, business planning, government and business reform, rule-making and expert-analytical activities in the field of public administration and much more. A special emphasis in the professional training of a manager at our university is placed on teaching modern information and telecommunication means, technologies, the skillful use of which in the conditions of the global information society is extremely necessary for a specialist in the field of management.

Training in the specialty "Public Administration and Management" at the State University of Telecommunications allows a foreign student to receive a high-quality education in the field of management and be in demand for a competitive specialist who can find a job in any country in the world!

Join the successful ones!

Apply to the State University of Telecommunications!

Waiting for you!

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About the department

To the applicant

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