State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "172 - Електронні комунікації та радіотехніка" кафедри Мобільних та відеоінформаційних технологій та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

Profession of today and tomorrow: innovative radiotechnologies mobile multimedia and information services

In the modern world of mobile telecommunications are developing so rapidly that changes occur in them very quickly. Humanity is moving to a new level of mobile communication and transmission of information, which means that ahead the wireless and IT-technologies have a lot of changes.

The demand for such innovative radiotechnologies, solutions in modern society and their active development make the demand for qualified professionals. IC sphere, for example, is very attractive for investors, so it is actively developing business, and there appear new companies. This means that jobs are increasing. Statistics show that among employers  the popularity enjoyed almost every profession in the field of wireless technologies to provide mobile multimedia services, but there are those who have an obvious advantage. We need highly qualified specialists in the mobile communication companies, television, internet, technical support services, helpdesks. Due to the rapid development of the Internet is very relevant technical officers whose activities are related to this field. A lot of organizations need engineers and technicians in mobile telecommunications. More details about the profession in this area can be found in an article posted on the University website: Which professions in IC demand in the labor market?

The quality of professional training in the field of wireless telecommunications largely determines the future of technology. This shows the great importance of education in this direction. Specialists in the field of wireless technologies studies in universities and colleges. They offer a variety of training courses, specialties and profiles.

In The State University of Telecommunications at the Department of radio technologies are trained specialists of one of the best specialties: "Equipment of radio broadcasting and television." This specialty covers the latest technology to provide mobile multimedia services to wireless terminals (tablets, smartphones and other intelligent new generation of computing devices). Primary position of graduates of this specialty - engineer means of radio and television, an engineer for the implementation and operation of the latest mobile and wireless networks, technical specialist for video and audio editing, engineering technical support of mobile and wireless networking equipment.

Department of Radiotechnology provides training in the field of radiotechnology and the provision of mobile media services for:

  • Mobile network operators ("MTS Ukraine", "Kyivstar GSM", "Astelit");
  • Internet service providers;
  • Concern broadcasting, radio and television;
  • Departments of radio monitoring wireless operators;
  • LLC "Sattelekom".

Department of Radiotechnology oprepares bachelors in "Radio" and the educational qualification of "Specialist" and "Master" specialty "Equipment of radio broadcasting and television".

Innovative technologies in the educational process at the Department of radiotechnology

In order to improve the quality level of training and advanced training of specialists for the sphere of information and communication technologies in the direction of "Radiotechnics" established "Center of high information and communication technologies", which is the most modern in the country. It was created with the assistance of leading domestic and foreign companies -. «ZTE», «Ericsson», «Kyivstar the GSM", "MTS Ukraine", "Kvant-Efir", etc. November 27, 2007 it was inaugurated by the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union ITU Dr Hamadoun Tourе. It is based on mobile systems of the 2nd and 3rd generation, hardware-software complexes for processing, the formation and transmission of digital television signals. There are plans to expand the cable TV network fragment of "Volia".

During the training in accordance with the training programs provided to students:

  • Conducting workshops at leading enterprises and institutions of industry and mobile operators: TV channel "Inter"; "UCRF"; LLC "Sattelekom"; «Kyivstar GSM»;
  • passage of specialized courses and training in the training centers «Ericsson» company, «Alcatel-Lucent» and «ZTE» abroad;
  • exams to obtain certificates for the equipment, "the Cisco" companies "Sattelekom", "Vatson Telecom's" Company "will".

The graduate will know and be able to work professionally with such radio technologies of mobile media services:

  • radio system of high-speed mobile Internet access via tablets, smartphones and other intelligent computing devices of new generation;
  • interactive television; remote surveillance system via the Internet in real time;
  • system of the TV channel on demand via the Internet and multimedia broadcasting;
  • system and 3D volumetric image;
  • mobile TV and video;
  • IP TV and video over IP;
  • IP TV and HD TV video streaming that implement a variety of approaches to imaging media flow images;
  • cloud technologies and services based on mobile networks of the 4th and 5th generations of LTE.

More details about the professional competence of mobile telecommunication systems and networks can be found in an article posted on the University website:  Training of specialists for the labor market at the Department of Radiotechnology.

Make contribution to the development of wireless technology university student might have during their studies: there are a set of directions for research activities. For example, students of the University in the scientific group of students on the basis of the Centre's own high information and communication technologies at the Department of radio technology studies:

  • new Horizons mobile subscriber and innovation LTE-devices;
  • terminal equipment for LTE networks and LTE-Advanced; small cell for LTE networks; ways to increase the capacity of next-generation mobile networks; the possibility of LTE networks for M2M (machine-to-machine) and D2D (device-to-device) - making;
  • system and the hardware and software for receiving and processing radio signals;
  • transmission systems and wireless radio broadcasting systems;
  • digital television technology;
  • the quality and management of mobile communication of new generation network services.

All these areas largely determine modern society. Therefore, students who are engaged in science in the field of wireless technologies as self-education in this area, especially valuable today.

Profession "technical specialist with the video and audio editing," today has many advantages. The most obvious of them - the demand among employers, great prospects for the development of an interesting creative work. However, not everyone knows about another advantage of this profession. For such professionals there are several forms of work. The most popular among them - a freelancer. In this case, a technician with the video and audio editing, performs a specific project for the company. It should be noted that this form of cooperation is very convenient for many companies: instead resort to specialized studios and pay a significant amount, they make an order with a freelancer at a more affordable price.

Field of wireless technologies - is the environment in which the changes occur with rapid speed. Varies instrumental solutions. So, specialists must update his knowledge and the latest technology to provide mobile multimedia services to wireless terminals. But how will look the situation in this area in a few years, whether it will be as popular?

The life of modern man is so closely associated with the wireless and information technologies, the future seems impossible without their existence. Nevertheless, the Futurists says that some workers in the field of IC will lose its relevance, but at the same time there will be new professions. Experts have identified areas in the IR region, which will be the new professionals. Among them:

And as we see in the future wireless technologies become closely intertwined with many other activities. And YOU will witness of it!

Specialists of Department of Radiotechnology adjust curricula and significantly alter the practical component in the preparation of modern specialists of innovative radio technologies of mobile multimedia and information services in accordance with modern requirements.

Head of the Department of Radiotechnology SAYKO V. H. (044) 249-25-04


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