State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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Publishing activities

Barkovskii V.V., Berkman L.N., Kryvutsa V.G. Mathematical modeling of telecommunication systems:

Manual. K.: SUICT, 2007. – 467 p.

The manual is designed to prepare masters and PhD students in areas "Telecommunications", "Radio". It contains definitions, properties and applications of signals, methods of filtering and compression, mathematical methods of optimization of telecommunication and information systems, the use of wavelet analysis to decomposition, reconstruction and synthesis of signals and images. The authors indicated types of mathematical models and methods of their solution, described the theory of solving integral equations, statistical models and their verification.

User is fully consistent curriculum subjects "Mathematical modeling of telecommunication systems" and can be useful for enhancing the research work of students, graduates, professionals in the field of communications and related areas of science and technology.


Barkovskii V.V., Barkovskaya N.V., Lopatin O.K. Probability theory and mathematical statistics:

Teach. Guide. - Kyiv: Centre of Educational lhheratury, 2006. – 424 p.

ISBN 966-364-338-2

The manual is written in accordance with the curriculum subjects "Higher Mathematics for Economists" (Part 2: "Teopiya Probability and Mathematical Statistics") for the training of bachelors and masters in economics.

The manual contains basic concepts, methods, theorems and formulas, many typical problems solved, the necessary tables and tasks for independent work of students and ongoing quality control of the obtained knowledge and skills; pobit control samples, individual semester assignments, tests check studenlv residual knowledge and application computer analysis for solving the problems of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics tools Excel.



Kryvutsa V.G., Barkovskii V.V., Bulgach V.L. Mathematical aspects of communication technologies and management systems:

Manual. - K.: SUICT, 2005. – 304 p.
The manual contains many important modern mathematical concepts, methods, formulas and yix various applications. Bin i deepens complements existing textbooks and manuals on higher mathematics for higher technical schools i have applied focus.


Higher mathematics. Workshop. V.G. Kryvutsa, V.V. Barkovskii, N.V. Barkovskaya . - K.: TSUL , 2003. - 536 p.

Highly qualified specialists offer a workshop on higher mathematics, which briefly, of course, with an applied focus Theoretical material, solved with explanations and examples are typical tasks for workshops and independent work.


The manual contains 18 chapters, provided curriculum subjects "Higher Mathematics" for training in higher education bachelors, and masters in many directions. The content, structure and methods of teaching materials promote individualization of the learning process and the possibilities afforded by new communication technologies. The manual is intended for full-time students and part-time education and academics.


Kryvutsa V.G., Barkovskii V.V., Bulgach V.L. Mathematical methods for signal processing tasks to THEORY communication.

Manual. - K.: SUICT, 2003. - 128 p.

The manual contains many important modern mathematical concepts, methods, formulas and yix various applications. It complements i deepens existing textbooks and manuals on higher mathematics for higher technical schools i have applied focus.


Barkovskii V. Econometrics. Teaching aids - K.: SUICT, 1999.

Teaching aids is intended for learning the basic concepts, methodology and methods of econometrics. It includes: curriculum subjects and references, plans, objectives and guidelines for practical training and independent work and tasks of individual semester work and reference work for students of distance learning guidelines.

The manual includes a table of critical values ​​required distribution statistics X2, Student (t), Fischer (F), Durbin-Watson (d1, d2).


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