State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientific activity

Educational disciplines
Methodical work
Publishing activity
Work with students
Educational literature
We invite for you studies

Scientific activity

Modern the telecommunication systems develop, foremost, in directions of expansion satellite, mobile, cellular, fiber-optical communication networks, introduction of new services (high-speed  transmission of given, multimedia technologies) which require the increase of efficiency of the use of radio frequency spectrum and carrying capacity of communication channels. Therefore constantly, especially last years, there is an active search  of new technological decisions, pluggings in itself creation of more perfect radiotechnical and optronic devices and systems, applications of  signals with enhanceable structural complication, mastering of higher ranges of radio frequencies up to a range. 

In such directions of development there are the tasks related to technologies of making and research of materials for nanoelectronics, creation of theoretical models and methods of construction of new facilities, devices of telecommunication with the extended functional possibilities and improved to the parameters.

Industry of connection is very specific. In her harmonically combine the use applied and fundamental, branch and academic science. And a modern student can not be formed as a literate specialist without participating in scientific researches and technical developments in the period of educating in Institution of higher learning. By means of such type of works he acquires skills of educating and mastering and processing of the newest information. Дл of this period is characteristic harmonic integration educational and scientific processes in institution of higher learning.

One of the priority directions of scientific work is involved in the research group International Telecommunication Union. Now the department is working on preparing a number of comments / suggestions on the issues addressed in study groups 12 (SG12), namely:

  • e-Model extension in wideband transmission and future telecommunication and application scenarios;
  • performance interworking and traffic management for Next Generation Networks;
  • operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality;
  • QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia;
  • framework for diagnostic functions and their interaction with external objective models predicting media quality.

Professorial - the teaching staff of department of physics sends the activity to providing of preparation of specialists of different level of educational and scientific qualification: bachelors, specialists, master's degrees, graduate students.

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