State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational disciplines

Methodical work
Scientific activity
Publishing activity
Work with students
Educational literature
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Educational disciplines

After the department of physics the educational disciplines related to the cycle of disciplines of base professional and practical preparation on educationally are envisaged-qualifying levels on directions:

  • 6.050903 "Telecommunications": bachelor and master's degree
  • 6.050901 "Radio engineering": bachelor
  • 6.050102 "Computer engineering": bachelor, specialist
  • 6.170101 "Informative safety": bachelor, specialist

A department provides training to next disciplines of cycle fundamental and naturally - scientific preparation: 

Physics and General physics - in accordance with the having a special purpose setting educationally-qualifying description and educationally-professional program of preparation of bachelors, specialists and master's degrees on directions: "Telecommunications, radio "Engineering", "Computer engineering" is  educational disciplines,  the article of which is a study of the most general  phenomena of nature, properties and structure of matter and laws of her motion. 

Aim of study of educational discipline: forming of base physical knowledge on the basic physical phenomena and processes for the decision of different tasks in professional activity; mastering of methods of physical researches of facilities and methods of decision of concrete tasks from the different divisions of physics, work of skills of independent study scientifically-technical literature,  research of physico-technical problems and acquisition of ability of formulation of practical tasks taking into account their physical essence, development of scientific world view, modern physical thought and forming of abilities of analytical thought.

Physics of optical connection - in accordance with the having a special purpose setting educationally-qualifying description and educationally-professional program of preparation of bachelors on directions: "Telecommunications", radio "Engineering", "Computer engineering", "Informative safety" is educational discipline the article of which is a study of theoretical and applied bases of optics and optical systems, principles of distribution of hertzian waves of optical range in non-conducting environments, in particular, in light-pipes and waveguides, acquaintance with new technical developments and ideas in physics of optical connection, by prospects and progress of optical connection trends in the world, active and passive optical flow lines.

Aim of study of educational discipline: capture by the methods of geometrical and wave optics, necessary for the calculation of the optronic and optical devices and systems, related to further practical activity of specialist; work of skills of independent study scientifically-technical literature; research of the applied problems of optoelectronics; development of scientific world view and modern physical thought, skills of active independent scientific and practical activity.

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