State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

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State University of Information and Communication Technologies


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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "172 - Електронні комунікації та радіотехніка" кафедри Мобільних та відеоінформаційних технологій та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

An important part of educational work with students is the curatorial work of groups. It is governed by the position of curator of the academic group and approved by the Rector of the State University of Telecommunications. In each group of junior faculty courses appointed curator. His main goal in work - issues of adaptation of students to teaching at the university, the formation of student body and student self-government, the development of independent and creative work of students.

Radiotechnology staff of the department directs its work with the students in such a way as to create favorable conditions for the development of professional skills and professional skills of the future specialists. The main performance criteria’s training of students is ratings of current progress in the educational process, scientific work, the extent of the student's ability to adapt to the actual engineering work, professional culture. That’s why considered essential attract students to participate in the scientific work of the department, professional competitions, conferences, competitions, exhibitions and other events.

Currently, requirements to the qualification of IT - specialists, constantly intensified and, consequently, increased demands on the quality of their training. Therefore it is important the interaction of education and business, which helps to ensure effective and expeditious transfer of fundamental knowledge in science in high-tech business and technological knowledge transfer from business to education. In this regard, the modern university communication should be a training, research and production complex with training centers to participate in the operator's telecommunications companies and is in collaboration with other universities in connection with the purpose of forming a common educational space of Ukraine on the basis of modern information and communication technologies. At the university during training in accordance with the curriculum of training specialists direction of "Radiotechnics" provided for students practical training at leading enterprises and institutions of the telecommunications industry and mobile radio operators. From the second semester starts  weekly practical lessons on discipline "Fundamentals of television and television systems" on the Inter TV channel with depth study of the technical aspects of video marketing and online business innovation for the students group RTD-31 and RTD-32. During the training under the direction of Shupyk Eugene  Valentinovitch studied the practical aspects of the principles of construction and operation of modern digital broadcasting systems using a local area radio networks as well as video production technology and broadcasting, modeling of technological processes in the modern digital video information systems. Also, Radiotechnology department attaches great importance to scientific research work of students.

The works involved all teachers of the department. Currently, the following student scientific circles work:

Group name

Head of the group / students

The direction of the group's work


Secrets of videos, three-dimensional graphics and music production

Assistant professor, PhD in Engineering sciences Amirkhanov E.D.,
Postgraduate Kondakov A. M.

Group of students RTD-41

The student will have the skills for dealing with modern cameras, the choicing the lighting, the sound when shooting, the basics of working with video editing systems.


Innovators amateur radio

Head of the department of Radiotechnologies, PhD in technical Sciences, Professor Sayko V.G., Postgraduate Kravchenko V. I.


Students of 1st and 2nd year of study

The student will have practical skills in orienteering:

- Will be able to virtually using topographic maps and special compass to navigate the terrain and navigate in the desired direction of movement;

- Professionally realize a substantial part of the sports card (reference points, topography characteristic terrain, soil, etc.);

 - Practically be able to use amateur radio stations;

- Practically conduct transmission and reception of radio amateur radio stations with correspondents who are in different continents, to communicate with them

Primary skills for research students receive when performing course projects and work on individual assignments. Senior students perform diploma and master's works on the subject of scientific research of the department of  Radiotechnologies. Also, students enrolled in the direction of "Radio" take an active part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on natural, technical and humanities. Thus, in the I-th round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in 2015/2016 academic year, was attended by students of the Faculty of Telecommunications of the 3rd, 4th and 5th course. Competition Commission said the two best scientific work of students Ternovoy Y.E. (Group of RTD-32) and Artemenko G.S. (RTDM-51), which were sent in January 2016 at the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition in the basic institution in the field of "Radio" - Kharkiv National University of  Radio.


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