State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Sport achievements

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Sport achievements

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "172 - Електронні комунікації та радіотехніка" кафедри Мобільних та відеоінформаційних технологій та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

In Solomiansky district in Kyiv state administration on September 11, 2013 was held a festive event on the occasion of the Day of physical culture and sports of Ukraine. In the West for awarding a mark of distinction of the Chairman of the Solomiansky district in Kyiv State Administration of student and teaching staff of the State University of  Telecommunications 39 people were invited. Diplomas and awards were awarded to staff of the Department of physical education. Acknowledgments the whole scientific-pedagogical staff of the State University of Telecommunications.



The staff of the State University of telecommunications, comprising 30 students and teachers of the Department of physical education became participants of the Olympic day, which was held under the auspices of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, which took place at Khreshchatyk Street, Kiev.

The Allukrainian Olympic day is aimed at the popularization of physical culture, sport and Olympic movement and healthy lifestyle. All participants received certificates and Souvenirs symbols with symbols of the NOC of Ukraine.

The Allukrainian Olympic day of run

The team of SUT took part in the celebration of the Olympic runs on the Independence square in the group of students’ meters of Kiev.

Teams SUT

The women's national SUT team of volleyball. The second place in the competition of workers of communication.

The SUT  team of  volleyball, took the first place in the sports of trade unions of workers of communication.

Students of SUT competitions on table tennis

The SUT team of table tennis


Stolіtnja Dіana the winner of Ukrainian competition table tennis, at the Olympic base «SVYATOSHYN» with the leaders of the trade Union of  communication


Under the direction of teachers of the Department work section of track and field athletics, volleyball, football, table tennis, badminton and General physical training. The best athletes participated in the competitions among higher education institutions of III-IV level of accreditation of the championship of Kyiv, on which win prizes.

As a result of systematic physical training, significantly increased the level of physical development of students, decreased number of acute respiratory diseases in autumn - winter period and decreased the number of students assigned to special medical groups with chronic diseases.

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