State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Work with students

Methodical work
Research activities
Publish activities

Work with students

With the rapid development of information society and integration into the global information infrastructure, an important role is played by the implementation and effective use of new technologies in communications.

Business, erudite, well-specialty-trained young people are always desirable in the labor market. The economy needs specialists of such a level. Our College trains specialists in the field of telecommunications.

Scientific-pedagogical staff of the Department pays great attention to the education and adaptation of young people at the University. Activity of faculty is directed for increasing students’ level of knowledge, internalizing educational material, thinking skills to analyze think and develop creative abilities, necessary for high level formation of the future specialist. Each student who will be able for scientific work has an opportunity to study in graduate school after graduation from the State University of telecommunications. A graduate G.I.Gaidar continues its work at the Department as a teacher. In 2013, has defended a candidate thesis under the supervision of Professor L.N. Berkman. The Department has 4 graduate students. Their scientific work is headed by professors of the Department.

For young people who want to raise their professional level at the University operates an additional training course on advanced information technologies and business foreign language.
The students who have the ability to research, take part in the group "Latest technologies", and also annually under the direction of teachers of the Department present their works in scientific conferences and competitions in the direction of "Telecommunications".

Curators and teachers of the Department stimulate attendance and encourage students to gain knowledge, self-independent work by learning. All arisen problems and misunderstandings are solved in time. Close cooperation with students’ parents and the Dean of the State University of telecommunications and explanatory work among the youth, promote timely delivery of the items in the disciplines of the course.

The introduction of the remote form of training, delivery of modular controls the provision of material in electronic form and the ability to communicate directly with the teacher by e-mail, as well as additional disciplines consultations, which are fixed behind the Department contribute to better understanding and control students' level of knowledge.
The youth of our University is confident, well-trained and capable of self-realization. Students of the last course come with a high level of knowledge, competitive on the labor market. 

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