State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

14:55, 15-03-2016
By Order of Ukraine from 25.02.2016 number 160 Head of the Department of Information and cyber security Burachki Vladimir Leonidovich was awarded the title of professor and assistant professor of Kozachok Valery Anatolyevich was awarded the rank of a..
11:46, 11-03-2016
Experts of the company Veracode submitted a report, on which work took them one and a half years. During this time, experts have studied more than 200 000 different applications trying to determine how the situation with security in the sphere of..
13:25, 29-02-2016
February 24, 2016 meeting of the Department of Information and cyber security dedicated to the following issues: 1) Work student clubs; 2) The situation regarding the implementation of research, which is assigned to the department; 3) Contin..
13:22, 26-02-2016
February 16, 2016 meeting of the Department of Information and cyber security is devoted to the following issues: 1) Work student clubs; 2) The attendance of students; 3) The situation regarding implementation of research, which is fixed by ..
14:24, 18-02-2016
Researchers at Palo Alto Networks found a backdoor that can steal from Skype video, audio, messages and screenshots. According to experts, the malware T9000, made great efforts to remain undetected. It belongs to the family of Plat1 and used in ph..
14:19, 18-02-2016
Experts Heimdal Security companies have discovered a new malware that attacks Android devices. Malvar not only apply non-standard way: by means of SMS and MMS-messages, but also able to get root-access to the device, to steal financial information an..
14:14, 18-02-2016
February 9, 2016 meeting of the Department of Information and cyber security dedicated to the following issues: Work student clubs; The situation regarding the implementation of research, which is assigned to the department; Continuing vocational..
13:42, 10-02-2016
How to improve the process of preparation of students of high schools in areas of IS / IT? First goals are defined. Goals should be realistic and attainable. The main objectives are: 1. to give a comprehensive understanding of what is and what ..
13:36, 10-02-2016
Published forecasts of basic IT-security issues in 2016 by the manufacturer of cloud security solutions Panda Security. The coming year will be filled with threats that may adversely affect home users, small companies and large corporations. The v..
13:27, 10-02-2016
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