State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Department of Management of information security

May 16, 2016 was the first wave of protection course projects by students of UBD-31. According to the preliminary plan of protection were presented five works. General themes of works were devoted to the programming language Java. According to reg..
10:38, 20-05-2016
14:19, 19-05-2016
26.04.2016 was passed the state exam at a group of students UBZ-51. Results: 7 students on the list were rated A - 3, B - 3 C - 1. The best side marked KV students Wegera, Lukish S. and Sadova O. The faculty of the Department Information Securi..
14:24, 12-05-2016
Visiting the company BMS Consulting teachers of the department Information Security Management led by Head of the Department Doctor of Technical Sciences Nakonechnyy V.S.
13:53, 28-04-2016
Head of the Department of Information Security Management Nakonechny Volodymyr conducted Professional orientation work
14:16, 21-04-2016
April 15, 2016, as well as every Friday, 16-00 at the State University of Telecommunications held an opendoors day.
15:02, 20-04-2016
On Monday, 04/11/2016, at 14-00 in the hall for conferences State University of Telecommunications held a trilateral meeting of BMS Consulting, Director of Infopulse GmbH and students of the Education-science institute of information security. Dur..
14:54, 20-04-2016
08:12, 18-04-2016
A professional - orientation work with students in Grade 10 (it was 12-students) and the final grade 11 (it was -10 pupils) secondary school №60 Complex Development Sprout and parents (when parents meetings) two students graduating -11 class speciali..
12:15, 15-04-2016
13:54, 08-04-2016
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