State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Department of English

In English practical classes in order to improve the work of students: to develop their communication skills and to promote better assimilation of professional vocabulary, work in pairs is often used. This type of activity gives students the opportun..
17:25, 20-12-2023
A. D. Belova, analyzing the current state, the latest trends and perspectives of linguistics, notes that in 15-20 years the atmosphere of communication, the nature of communication will be determined by modern teenagers, whose psyche has been influen..
15:00, 05-12-2023
12:14, 28-11-2023
Mastering the skills of speaking English is the key to success, but sometimes oral communication turns into correspondence, and in order to build your writing skills, we suggest that you familiarise yourself with the information tools that can help y..
12:10, 23-11-2023
One of the common language skills that we must master when learning English is perception of English-language information. You can develop this skill only by listening and analyzing English-language audio materials. Not only music, audiobooks, media ..
16:56, 18-11-2023
14:18, 09-11-2023
Abstract Learning English is not only about acquiring theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. Immersing yourself in an English-speaking environment is not only the most effective way to train your practical skills, which includes constant..
12:47, 01-11-2023
16:46, 24-10-2023
16:33, 17-10-2023
17:07, 03-10-2023
Views: 137 947
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