Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

03110, Україна
м. Київ, вул. Солом'янська, 7
Контактна інформація:
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

Вакансіі від Huawei

10:03, 13-02-2018

Internship (Junior Wireless/RNP/Datacom/Access/Transmission engineer position)

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

Preparation of technical documentation for bidding, tender, etc.

  • Preparation of high level and low level design solution;
  • Support equipment installation, configuration and integration;
  • Work with different ERP systems;
  • Solve some task of our customers and subcontractors;
  • Occasionally performing administrative or other related responsibilities as required;

Who we are looking for:

  • Advanced/fluent English
  • Higher education (Bachelor or above, students on their last year) - only telecommunication field;
  • Basic understanding of GSM, UMTS, other technologies of wireless communication;
  • Basic understanding of network technologies (Ethernet, IP networking, TCP/IP protocol stack knowledge, xDSL,related certification would be an advantage);
  • Basic understanding of transmission technologies (Microwave, DWDM, SDH)
  • Strong organizational skills, ready to work independently;
  • Ability to learn fast from tutor and self study;
  • Welcoming and responsible personality;
  • Wish to work like engineer, technical expert in the future;
  • High level interpersonal skills;
  • Willing to go to business trip;

The best candidates after internship will get job offer from Huawei for permanent position like Engineer.

If you are interested in this position, please send your detailed CV only in English to our mailbox: ukraine@huawei.com

Employment opportunities for bachelors/masters in Telecom

For young enthusiasts and students who want to have great experience in the international company, and to build a successful career. Purchase order (PO) assistant in Supply Chain Business Department.

Junior PO office position, position which requires responsibility to operate a lot of different tasks from financial, technical and delivery side. Communication with other departments, other countries and customers. We are looking for self-motivated, well-organized, result-oriented and brave person with positive attitude to work, able to overtake challenging tasks and successfully complete them.

PO office team – young, friendly and strong team. We want to expand and develop our PO office team in Ukraine, ready to offer you introductions and trainings to develop your skills and knowledge.


  • Intermediate level of English knowledge.
  • Bachelor degree(can get the diplomas in half year)
  • Technical skills(mobile network )
  • High efficiency on execution and details oriented
  • Excellent communication and analytical skills
  • Experience in negotiations, ability to find "win-win" solutions for any situation
  • Energetic, self-motivated, highly result-oriented and positive personality
  • Strong team player
  • Ability to work full time
  • CVs in English

Welcome to try yourself in the best team J

Please, send your CV in English to ukraine@huawei.com

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Освітня програма: Комп’ютерні науки

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