State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
Educational-scientific Institute of Information security

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“Your Information Security Guard”

General information

Educational-scientific Institute of information security of the State University of Telecommunications is an educational, research. Institute of information security is educational structural subdivision of the University which conducts educational activity connected with the preparation of specialists of educational-qualification levels of bachelor and master in the field of information security, as well as scientific and scientific-methodical activity and has a sufficient level of human and logistical support.

Institute of information information security was created on 30 August 2004 in accordance with the order of State Committee of communication and informatization of Ukraine. Tolupa Sergіj Vasylovych was appointed as director of the Institute in 2011.

Institute of information information security prepares experts in information security:

  • Experts are involved in organizations, institutions and enterprises, ministries, law agencies, state committees which use modern information technologies in the sphere of entrepreneurial and banking activity;
  • Experts may become the leading employees of security services of private business structures, organizations and institutions with other forms of property, services, information security of automated banking systems.

The Institute maintains close links with the relevant public authorities, educational institutions, enterprises, organizations and institutions, in particular the State service of special communications and information protection, security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of defense of Ukraine, OJSC Ukrtelecom, Vinnitsa National Technical University, Sevastopol Institute named after  P.S. Nakhimov, Kyiv National University of internal Affairs of Ukraine, National University "Lviv Polytechnic", National Aviation University, Kharkov National University of radio electronics, as well as many commercial scientific-production structures, which are the leading in the field of information security.

Scientific research in the Institute is focused on conducting of fundamental and applied researches, introduction in educational process of the results of research and development on their basis of modern educational technologies, provision of system relations in the study of academic disciplines of various educational levels.

The Educational-scientific Institute of information security works in the Kiev branch of inter-regional interdepartmental seminar "Technical means of information protection" of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, publishes scientific and technical journal "Information Protection", which are included into the List №14 scientific and professional editions of the Higher attestation Commission of Ukraine.

Further development of the Institute is determined by the creation of new departments, training bachelors and masters in new specializations main specialties "Information security", opening of new specialties of retraining and new specializations courses of qualification improvement and expansion of educational work in the field of information security.

Management personnel of the Institute

Contact information

03110, Kyiv
Solomjanska Str., 7
phone: [044] 248-85-93;
[044] 249-25-22


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