State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Educational disciplines

Educational disciplines

Educational disciplines of the Department refer to the cycle of professional and practical training basic disciplines on the educational-qualifying levels through the directions and specialties:



6.050903 - „Information communication networks" (Department of Information technology- IT);

„Telecommunication systems and networks" (Department of telecommunications - TC);

7.05090302-„Telecommunication systems and networks" (TC Department);
7.05090301 - „Information communication networks" (IT Department);

8.05090302-„Telecommunication systems and networks" (TC Department);
8.05090301-„Information communication networks" (IT Department);



7.05010201 - „Computer systems and networks" (IT Department);

Discipline cycle of professional and practical training

The name of the discipline

The program is an academic discipline

Telecommunication and information networks

Fundamentals of telecommunications and information networks (TIN). General information about. General principles of systems engineering TIN. Modeling TIN. Fundamentals of modeling TIN. Features of modeling of open systems. TIM in the composition of the information infrastructure. The peculiarities of interaction between the components of TIN. Bases of construction of information infrastructure. Integrated interactive systems and networks. Network cable technology. Integrated teletrack system with radio access.

System documentary telecommunication

Methods of analysis, synthesis and optimization of structures of SDT in telecommunication networks. Technical exploitation of SDT. Structure and characteristics of SDT. Communication channels within the structure of SDT. Discrete signals, methods of reception and synchronization of SDUSA. Protection from errors in SDT. Facsimile SDT. System SDT in information and computer networks. Telegraph SDT exploitation of SDT.

The global information infrastructure

Informatization of the state and integration in global information infrastructure; clarification of fundamental concepts G; structural and functional schemes of the global information infrastructure, both in General and in parts of the transport network, intelligent network, NGN; basic terms, categories; global information structure as a product of the information revolution; modern information technologies and new services.

Information resources and services in Infocommunications


Information and communication technologies

Methodological bases of construction of systems of telecommunications and Informatization. Classification of information technologies: control technology and telecommunication technologies. Technology management (supporting technologies, technologies of organization of communication technologies of support of decision-making and others). The multimedia network (transport network, access network, IP (Internet) network, mobile network). Contactology services basis for development of infocommunication networks. Types of information flows. Architecture of information-communication networks.
The main problems and prospects of development of the INC. The basic model QoS INC. Testing methods INC. Technology QoS in INC with guaranteed service. Technology QoS in INC, carrying out distribution of resources between classes of traffic. Methods traffic control with virtual channels.

New information technologies

The billing system, as automated information banks. The main parts of the billing systems in the architecture of the information infrastructure; modern information technologies and new services that are used or planned for use in telecommunication networks. Structural and functional schemes of billing systems from leading manufacturers. Methodological bases of construction of billing systems. The analysis of the structures related to packages of services provided to this network.

Scientific bases of educational process in higher school

Objectives, principles and requirements of the Bologna process in higher education system of Ukraine Ukraine's European Integration as a factor of socio-economic development of the state. The role of education in development of partnership of Ukraine with other States. The system of higher education in Europe and America. The Bologna process as a means of integration and democratization of education of European countries. The documents of the Bologna process. The main objectives, principles and stages of formation of the European higher education area. The European credit transfer system (ECTS). The principles, ways and means of integration of the European credit transfer system (ECTS) in higher education of Ukraine. The introduction of credit-modular system of educational process organization in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Service platform of information networks

The problem of convergence of platforms and services (services). Benefits and risks of service platforms. Conceptual principles of creation of the service virtualization platforms. Parallel computing. Cloud computing. Trends of development of modern service platforms.

Distributed service system


Modern information technologies in science and education

The main directions of application of informational technologies in science and education. The use of global, international and Ukrainian education and research networks in educational process and scientific research. Information environment of the University as a tool of management and increase of efficiency of educational process and scientific research. The technology of creation of electronic books and electronic scientific editions. Technology development and use of multimedia learning tools and presentations of results of scientific research. The basic principles and tools of e-learning. Organization of data protection in e-learning systems. The use of educational software.
The development and use of controlling software products. Create educational software. Creation of Web-sites of educational institutions and the personal site of scientific-pedagogical worker. The use of the Internet for educational and research information. Creation of electronic libraries, libraries, etc. for the maintenance of educational process and scientific research.

The basis of CASE-technologies


Automation software development and information systems. The purpose of CASE-means of the IBM Rational Rose; principles of construction of models of information systems. The purpose of UML; the main elements of UML; the elements of graphic notation diagrams and principles of their application; development features of the charts in IBM Rational Rose. The use of the elements of UML for charting; development of the charts in IBM Rational Rose; generation of source code in IBM Rational Rose.

Computer networks and the Internet

Overview & architecture IOM. Multilevel organization LAN and the OSI model. Standards IEEE802 and Protocol stacks. Topology of networks and access to the physical media. Components of computer networks. Ethernet technology, and the principles of organization of communication in computer networks. Bases of administration in computer networks and the Internet.

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