State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientific circle


Scientific circle

The Department operates a student scientific circle "Satellite telecommunications". The club runs every Thursday at 15:20 hours.

The group has worked since last year, and successfully conducts classes today.

Students study circle satellite television program:

1. What is satellite TV?
1.1 The use of satellite TV
1.2 The satellite TV Reception on moving the antenna
1.3 What is geostationary orbit?
1.4 How does space part of the system?
2. Select satellite channels
2.1 First steps
2.2 Popular satellites, channels and operators
2.3 Free satellite channels
3. Signal conditioning and standards of satellite broadcasting
3.1 Methods of forming and processing analog and digital signals
3.2 Standards for satellite broadcasting DVB-S and DVB-S2
3.3 Transmission of signals of satellite sound broadcasting
4. Settings satellite reception
4.1 Frequency bands
4.2 Polarization
4.3 What are feeds (channels)?
5. Receiving antennas for satellite TV
5.1 How is the signal from the satellite?
5.2 forms of receiving antennas satellite TV
5.3 Methods the suspension of satellite antennas
6. The path of the microwave receiving antenna for satellite TV
6.1 Features terminology: "Converter" or "receiving head"
6.2 the structure of the reception path
6.3 Irradiator
6.4 the structure and principle of the polarizer and depolarizer
6.5 Device and principle of operation of the Converter
6.6 Important parameters of the receiving Converter
6.7 the development History of the circuitry of the converters
6.8 the Inclusion of converters
7. The reception of several satellites with motorized dish
7.1 the Guidance of a rotatable antenna
7.2 Actuator, positioner and polar pendant
7.3 the Motohanger and polar pendant
8. To receive the signal from several satellites to a stationary antenna
8.1 What is the multifeed? The principle of operation of multifeed.
8.2 Advantages and disadvantages of multifeed. Methods of forming multiple.
8.3 Preparation, installation and configuration of the multifeed
8.4 Practical example of setting the multifeed
8.5 Power converters in multiple
9. Organization of pay TV
9.1 the Purpose of encoding the satellite signal
9.2 characteristics of the encoding of satellite television
9.3 what is the access to paid channels?
9.4 characterization of the SAM modules. Features of use.
10. Architecture and circuit design of satellite receivers
10.1 Problems of the pioneers of satellite broadcasting
10.2 Analog satellite broadcasting
10.3 the First satellite receivers in comparison with modern receivers
10.4 coding of the channels
10.6 Software for satellite receivers
10.7 HDTV — high definition television
10.8 Characteristics and the choice of satellite receiver
10.9 Structural diagram of analog and digital receivers
10.10 Service of the master codes of satellite receivers
11. Cardsharing
11.1 the story of the cardsharing and its purpose
11.2 Causes of cardsharing
11.3 Home cardsharing
11.4 Cardsharing via the Internet, connectivity options
11.5 the Future of cardsharing
12. DVB-S tuners
12.1 the Essence of the standard THC
12.2 Types of tuners
13. Satellite Internet
13.1 the Terminology and nuances of Internet technologies
13.2 Methods of connecting to the Internet
13.3 Organization of satellite Internet
14. The satellite TV on PC
14.1 Overview of universal programs to view
14.2 Installing and configuring the software "AltDVB and DVB Dream"
15. Repair of satellite equipment
15.1 How to arrange a repair?
15.2 Downloading software to your receiver
15.3 Typical fault of the receivers
16. Devices for aiming satellite dish
16.1 self-made devices for antenna positioning
16.2 What are the instruments for tuning your satellite antenna you can buy in the store?
17.The choice of mounting the antenna
17.1 Pre-selection conditions
17.2 Calculations for antenna pointing
17.3 cheat sheet for the antenna pointing to selected satellite
18.The basic steps for installing a satellite kit
18.1 Briefly about important
18.2 Buy a satellite dish
18.3 assembling the antenna
18.4 Mounting bracket
18.5 installing the antenna on the bracket
18.6 Pulling cable
18.7 pointing of the antenna to the satellite

For more information contact AUD.211, or by phone 249-25-97 Vlasenko Gennady Nikolaevich.

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