Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

03110, Україна
м. Київ, вул. Солом'янська, 7
Контактна інформація:
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

Державний університет


Безпека мереж за технологіями CISCO

Bongsik Shin
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
16.39 Мб
Тип документу:
This book is written for those who study or practice information technology, management information systems (MIS), accounting information systems (AIS), or computer science (CS). It is assumed that readers are exposed to computer networking and security subjects for the first time. Computer networking and cybersecurity are challenging subjects, partly because of the constant rise and fall of related technologies and IT paradigms. As the title implies, much focus of this book is on providing the audience with practical, as well as, theoretical knowledge necessary to build a solid ground for a successful professional career. If used for a class, the book of 12 chapters contains just about right amount of coverage for a semester or quarter. It balances introductory and fairly advanced subjects on computer networking and cybersecurity to effectively deliver technical and managerial knowledge. Although the writing is moderately dense, utmost attempts have been made on explaining sometimes challenging concepts in a manner that readers can follow through, with careful reading. The book is designed to offer impactful, hands-on learning experience without relying on a computer lab. First, each chapter comes with practical exercise questions. In the class setting, they are good as individual or group assignments. Many of them are based on simulated or real cases, and take advantage of actual industry products and systems for a reader to better relate theories to practice. Second, there are a number of information-rich screen shots, figures, and tables in each chapter carefully constructed to solidify concepts and thus enhance visual learning. In addition to the thorough technical details, managerial issues including, enterprise network planning, design, and management are embedded throughout the book from the practitioner ’ s perspective to assist balanced learning. Besides, bearing in mind of the critical importance of security in today ’ s enterprise networks, implications of 27 network design and management on enterprise security are discussed whenever appropriate. Lastly, to further reinforce knowledge in security management, two chapters are dedicated to introduce fundamentals of cybersecurity in terms of threat types and defense techniques.
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
54 Кб
Тип документу:
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
301 Кб
Тип документу:
Методичні рекомендації
НД ТЗІ 3.7-003-05
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