Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

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Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

Державний університет


Фінансовий менеджмент

Denzil Watson, Antony Head, Dora Chan
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
24.93 Мб
Тип документу:
Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice, 9th edition is a comprehensive guide to the field, introducing you to the key topics that will be essential to learn in your business, finance or accounting-related course and which align with the requirements of accounting professional bodies. Written and structured in a reader-friendly style for those new to the subject, the book provides practical examples from well-known companies, and offers a clear, step-by-step explanation of the essential principles and mathematical techniques without burdening you with unnecessary detail.
Nadi Serhan Aydin
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
3.24 Мб
Тип документу:
This book focuses on modelling financial information flows and information-based asset pricing framework. After introducing the fundamental properties of the framework, it presents a short information-theoretic perspective with a view to quantifying the information content of financial signals, and links the present framework with the literature on asymmetric information and market microstructure by means of a dynamic, bipartite, heterogeneous agent network. Numerical and explicit analyses shed light on the effects of differential information and information acquisition on the allocation of profit and loss as well as the pace of fundamental price discovery. The dynamic programming method is used to seek an optimal strategy for utilizing superior information. Lastly, the book features an implementation of the present framework using real-world financial data.
Michelle R. Clayman, Martin S. Fridson, George H. Troughton
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
9.33 Мб
Тип документу:
Evaluate your understanding of corporate finance with practice for today’s professional Corporate Finance: Economic Foundations and Financial Modeling Workbook, 3 rd Edition offers the key component of effective learning—practice. Designed for both students and investment professionals, this companion workbook aligns with the latest Corporate Finance text chapter-by-chapter. To improve your comprehension of core concepts, this book includes brief chapter summaries before diving into challenging practice questions and their solutions, while also laying out learning objectives so you can understand the “why” of each exercise. Edition will help you: Synthesize essential material from the main Corporate Finance text using real-world applications. Understand the key fundamentals of the corporate finance discipline. Work toward specific chapter objectives to internalize important information. CFA Institute is the world’s premier association for investment professionals, and the governing body for the CFA® Program, CIPM® Program, CFA Institute ESG Investing Certificate, and Investment Foundations® Program. Those seeking a deeper understanding of corporate finance and its overall impact on organizational growth will value the level of expertise CFA Institute brings to the discussion as well as the extra practice delivered in the third edition Corporate Finance: Economic Foundations and Financial Modeling Workbook based on real scenarios investors face every day.
Raghavendra Rau
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
2.27 Мб
Тип документу:
The Short Introduction to Corporate Finance provides an accessibly written guide to contemporary financial institutional practice. Rau deploys both his professional expertise and experience of teaching MBA and graduate-level courses to produce a lively discussion of the key concepts of finance, liberally illustrated with real-world examples. Built around six essential paradigms, he builds an integrated framework covering all the major ideas in finance over the past half-century. Ideal for students and practitioners alike, it will become core reading for anyone aspiring to become an effective manager.
Marco Da Rin, Thomas Hellmann
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
10.56 Мб
Тип документу:
Develops a comprehensive framework for understanding entrepreneurial finance. Provides many practical educational tools, including a case study that runs across the entire text, a set of novel spreadsheet tools, and a variety of applied examples and exercises. Helps the reader move seamlessly from concept to application, and thus to get started as entrepreneur or investor. Provides a contemporary, diverse, and global outlook on entrepreneurial finance for students from all over the world. Written by renowned researchers and pioneers of the field, this text has strong academic foundations that allow students to understand financial structures, the behaviour of entrepreneurs, and a wide variety of investor types. Custom-developed spreadsheets, review exercises, slides, tables, and numerous other tools and support materials available at www.entrepreneurialfinance.net.
Danielle Stein Fairhurst
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
6.28 Мб
Тип документу:
First published in 2012, Using Excel for Business and Financial Modelling contains step-by-step instructions of how to solve common business problems using financial models, including downloadable Excel templates, a list of shortcuts and tons of practical tips and techniques you can apply straight away. Whilst there are many hundreds of tools, features and functions in Excel, this book focuses on the topics most relevant to finance professionals. It covers these features in detail from a practical perspective, but also puts them in context by applying them to practical examples in the real world. Learn to create financial models to help make business decisions whilst applying modelling best practice methodology, tools and techniques.
Timothy R. Mayes
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
6.99 Мб
Тип документу:
Take your spreadsheet skills to a new level of proficiency! Giving you hands-on experience solving real financial problems, Mayes/Shank's FINANCIAL ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016, 8E, equips you with a solid foundation in corporate finance while helping you maximize the tools professionals use every day. Packed with examples, the text covers today's most important corporate finance topics, including financial statements, budgets, the Security Market Security Line, pro forma financial statements, cost of capital, VBA programming, and Pivot Tables. It also offers the latest on time series forecasting and the new Get Transform feature (formerly known as Power Query), which helps you process large data files. A reader-friendly, self-directed learning approach and numerous study tools enable you to quickly build upon or transfer skills from other spreadsheet programs – empowering you with the expertise today's employers want.
Thomas Quirk
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
5.32 Мб
Тип документу:
This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach business statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical business problems. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in business courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2010 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Business Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand business problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
М.І. Крупка, О.М. Ковалюк, В.М. Коваленко та ін.
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
13.4 Мб
Тип документу:
У підручнику розглянуто головні концепції, поняття і методи фінансового менеджменту, особливості управління активами, капіталом, фінансовими інвестиціями та прибутком підприємства. Висвітлено теоретичні й актуальні практичні аспекти фінансового менеджменту в умовах формування ринкової економіки. Книга є водночас теоретичним і практичним виданням, у якому використано сучасні підходи до забезпечення навчального процесу. Для студентів, аспірантів, викладачів економічних спеціальностей, економістів-практиків.
Євтушенко Н.О.
Мова документу:
Розмір документу:
2.16 Мб
Тип документу:
Навчальний посібник «Фінансовий менеджмент» містить теоретичні положення, основні поняття, актуальні проблеми щодо управління фінансами підприємств. Видання ґрунтується на сучасних економічних теоріях і фінансових практиках. Вивчення фінансового менеджменту з використанням посібника дозволяє отримати знання щодо основ фінансового управління підприємством та можливість засвоїти принципи обігу грошових зобов’язань та їх взаємозв’язок з кількісними показниками на всіх рівнях господарської діяльності підприємства. Навчальний посібник «Фінансовий менеджмент» призначено студентам вищих навчальних закладів освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «спеціаліст» спеціальності «Фінанси і кредит (за спеціалізованими програмами)» як допомога в оволодінні теоретичною та практичною діяльністю в галузі управління фінансами.
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