State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Work with students

Educational disciplines
Methodical work
Scientific activity
Publishing activity
Educational literature
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Work with students

Advanced study among students  -  one of main constituents of educational process of department of physics of State University of Telecommunications. by the method of upgrading of preparation and education of future specialists in industry of information technologies, telecommunications and systems of priv, able creatively to apply knowledge in further practical activity is scientifically, is research work of students, effective use of the gained knowledge in practice, participating in scientifically-research works, in editorially - to publishing work of department. A department attracts students to scientifically-research and scientifically - to organizational work. Student olympiads are annually conducted on physics and student scientifically are technical conferences.


Work of teaching staff of department with students is sent to:

  • forming of personality;
  • making of desire to do well;
  • education of willingness to execute the social duties;
  • respect of the parents, comrades, colleagues and educators;
  • acceptance of experience of previous generations.

Considerable attention is spared to the role of the personal example of teacher in the questions of attitude toward implementation of the professional duties, behaviors in everyday life and in the way of life.


Counsels of academic groups  are  employees of department together with the students, to both work and at leisure. 

Анкета вступника
Заповніть анкету та отримайте персональну консультацію від завідуючого кафедрою
Контактна інформація
Ми зв`яжемось з Вами зручним для Вас способом:
Вкажіть де Ви навчались\навчаєтесь
Розкажіть про себе
Давайте знайомитись

Натискаючи на кнопку "Отримати консультацію", ви даєте згоду на обробку персональних даних та погоджуєтеся з політикою конфіденційності.

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